All resources in Washington Artificial Intelligence

Proyectos prácticos de la IA para el aula: Una guía ética sobre la IA

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En esta guía, la exploración de la IA por parte de los alumnos se enmarca en el contexto de las consideraciones éticas, y en concordancia con los estándares, conceptos y profundidad adecuados para varias materias de K–12. Dependiendo del nivel de sus alumnos y la cantidad de tiempo que tenga disponible, puede completar todas las actividades de Inicio hasta las actividades de Demostraciones culminantes; puede seleccionar actividades de la lista; o puede llevar el aprendizaje de los alumnos más lejos, aprovechando las extensiones y recursos adicionales proporcionados. Para los alumnos sin experiencia previa de formación en la IA, la exposición misma a las actividades de aprendizaje guiadas creará una comprensión de su mundo que probablemente no tenían antes. Y para aquellos con conocimientos previos en informática o con la IA, los proyectos y recursos completos seguirán desafiando su razonamiento y los expondrán a nuevas tecnologías y aplicaciones de la IA en diversos campos de estudio. PROYECTO 1: Lo justo es justo PROYECTO 2: ¿Quién tiene el control? PROYECTO 3: Las ventajas y desventajas de la tecnología de la IA PROYECTO 4: La IA y el trabajador del siglo XXI

Material Type: Lesson, Lesson Plan, Module, Unit of Study

Authors: General Motors, International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)

Hands-On AI Projects for the Classroom: A Guide on Ethics and AI

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In this guide, students’ exploration of AI is framed within the context of ethical considerations and aligned with standards and concepts, and depths of understanding that would be appropriate across various subject areas and grade levels in K–12. Depending on the level of your students and the amount of time you have available, you might complete an entire project, pick and choose from the listed activities, or you might take students’ learning further by taking advantage of the additional extensions and resources provided for you. For students with no previous experience with AI education, exposure to the guided learning activities alone will create an understanding of their world that they likely did not previously have. And for those with some background in computer science or AI, the complete projects and resources will still challenge their thinking and expose them to new AI technologies and applications across various fields of study. Project 1: Fair's Fair Project 2: Who is in Control? Project 3: The Trade-offs of AI Technology Project 4: AI and the 21st Century Worker Visit the ISTE website with all the free practical guides for engaging students in AI creation:

Material Type: Lesson, Lesson Plan, Module, Unit of Study

Authors: General Motors, International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)

Proyectos prácticos de IA para el aula: Una guía para maestros de informática

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Los proyectos de esta guía utilizan un enfoque centrado en los alumnos para el aprendizaje. En lugar de solo aprender acerca de la IA con videos o conferencias, los alumnos que realizan estos proyectos son participantes activos en la exploración de ella. En el proceso, los estudiantes trabajarán directamente con tecnologías innovadoras de IA, participarán en actividades no en línea para ampliar su comprensión de cómo funcionan las tecnologías de IA y crearán diversos productos auténticos desde modelos de aprendizaje automático hasta videojuegos— para demostrar su aprendizaje. PROYECTO 1: Programación con aprendizaje automático PROYECTO 2: Jugadores asistidos por IA en videojuegos PROYECTO 3: Uso de la IA para planificar movimientos robóticos PROYECTO 4: El aprendizaje automático como un servicio

Material Type: Lesson, Lesson Plan, Module, Unit of Study

Authors: General Motors, International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)

Hands-On AI Projects for the Classroom: A Guide for Computer Science Teachers

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The projects in this guide use a student-driven approach to learning. Instead of simply learning about AI through videos or lectures, the students completing these projects are active participants in their AI exploration. In the process, students work directly with innovative AI technologies, participate in “unplugged” activities that further their understanding of how AI technologies work, and create various authentic products—from machine learning models to video games—to demonstrate their learning. Project 1: Programming with Machine Learning Project 2: AI-Powered Players in Video Games Project 3: Using AI for Robotic Motion Planning Project 4: Machine Learning as a Service Visit the ISTE website with all the free practical guides for engaging students in AI creation:

Material Type: Lesson, Lesson Plan, Module, Unit of Study

Authors: General Motors, International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)

Proyectos prácticos de IA para el aula Una guía para maestros de secundaria

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Esta guía ofrece proyectos centrados en los alumnos que pueden enseñar directamente estándares de áreas de estudio en conjunto con comprensiones fundamentales de los que es la IA, cómo funciona y cómo impacta a la sociedad. Fueron considerados varios enfoques clave para diseñar estos proyectos. Entender estos enfoques sustentará su comprensión y la implementación de los proyectos de esta guía, así como su trabajo para diseñar más actividades que integren la enseñanza sobre la IA en su plan de estudios. PROYECTO 1: Chatbots de IA PROYECTO 2: Desarrollo de una mirada crítica PROYECTO 3: Uso de la IA para resolver problemas del medio ambiente PROYECTO 4: Leyes para la IA

Material Type: Lesson, Lesson Plan, Module, Unit of Study

Authors: General Motors, International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)

Hands-On AI Projects for the Classroom: A Guide for Secondary Teachers

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This guide provides student-driven projects that can directly teach subject area standards in tandem with foundational understandings of what AI is, how it works, and how it impacts society. Several key approaches were taken into consideration in the design of these projects. Understanding these approaches will support both your understanding and implementation of the projects in this guide, as well as your own work to design further activities that integrate AI education into your curriculum. Project 1: AI Chatbots Project 2: Developing a Critical Eye Project 3: Using AI to Solve Environmental Problems Project 4: Laws for AI Visit the ISTE website with all the free practical guides for engaging students in AI creation:

Material Type: Lesson, Lesson Plan, Module, Unit of Study

Authors: General Motors, International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)

Proyectos prácticos de IA para el aula: Una guía para maestros de primaria

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Esta guía ofrece proyectos centrados en los alumnos que pueden enseñar directamente estándares de áreas de estudio en conjunto con comprensiones fundamentales de los que es la IA, cómo funciona y cómo impacta a la sociedad. Fueron considerados varios enfoques clave para diseñar estos proyectos. Entender estos enfoques sustentará su comprensión y la implementación de los proyectos de esta guía, así como su trabajo para diseñar más actividades que integren la enseñanza sobre la IA en su plan de estudios. PROYECTO 1: Lo que la IA hace bien y lo que no hace tan bien PROYECTO 2: Datos de entrenamiento y aprendizaje automático PROYECTO 3: Los sentidos comparados con los sensores PROYECTO 4: Navegación e IA

Material Type: Lesson, Lesson Plan, Module, Unit of Study

Authors: General Motors, International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)

Hands-On AI Projects for the Classroom: A Guide for Elementary Teachers

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This guide provides student-driven projects that can directly teach subject area standards in tandem with foundational understandings of what AI is, how it works, and how it impacts society. Instead of simply learning about AI through videos or lectures, the students completing these projects are active participants in their AI exploration. In the process, students work directly with innovative AI technologies, participate in “unplugged” activities that further their understanding of how AI technologies work, and create various authentic products—from presentations to designing an AI robot—to demonstrate their learning. • Project 1: What AI Does Well and Does Not Do Well • Project 2: Training Data and Machine Learning • Project 3: Senses vs. Sensors • Project 4: Navigation and AI Visit the ISTE website with all the free practical guides for engaging students in AI creation:

Material Type: Lesson, Lesson Plan, Module, Unit of Study

Authors: General Motors, International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)

AI4ALL: Bytes of AI - AI & Ethics

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Bytes of AI are fun, quick introductions to artificial intelligence through a variety of different topics. These can be used to spark an interest in AI before exploring the AI4ALL curriculum further. Bytes of AI introduce students and teachers to some of the core ideas of AI including:How data becomes output in an AI modelWhat AI is capable of, what risks it can haveHow human biases enter datasetsHow AI can be used in diverse fields Access the full series of AI4ALL's Bytes of AI from their website. 

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Vanessa Clark

AI4ALL: Bytes of AI - AI & COVID-19

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Bytes of AI are fun, quick introductions to artificial intelligence through a variety of different topics. These can be used to spark an interest in AI before exploring the AI4ALL curriculum further. Bytes of AI introduce students and teachers to some of the core ideas of AI including:How data becomes output in an AI modelWhat AI is capable of, what risks it can haveHow human biases enter datasetsHow AI can be used in diverse fields Access the full series of AI4ALL's Bytes of AI from their website. 

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Vanessa Clark

AI4ALL: Bytes of AI - AI & Dance

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Bytes of AI are fun, quick introductions to artificial intelligence through a variety of different topics. These can be used to spark an interest in AI before exploring the AI4ALL curriculum further. Bytes of AI introduce students and teachers to some of the core ideas of AI including:How data becomes output in an AI modelWhat AI is capable of, what risks it can haveHow human biases enter datasetsHow AI can be used in diverse fields Access the full series of AI4ALL's Bytes of AI from their website. 

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Vanessa Clark

AI4ALL: Bytes of AI - AI & The Criminal Legal System

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Bytes of AI are fun, quick introductions to artificial intelligence through a variety of different topics. These can be used to spark an interest in AI before exploring the AI4ALL curriculum further. Bytes of AI introduce students and teachers to some of the core ideas of AI including:How data becomes output in an AI modelWhat AI is capable of, what risks it can haveHow human biases enter datasetsHow AI can be used in diverse fields Access the full series of AI4ALL's Bytes of AI from their website. 

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Vanessa Clark

AI4ALL: Bytes of AI - AI & The Environment

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Bytes of AI are fun, quick introductions to artificial intelligence through a variety of different topics. These can be used to spark an interest in AI before exploring the AI4ALL curriculum further. Bytes of AI introduce students and teachers to some of the core ideas of AI including:How data becomes output in an AI modelWhat AI is capable of, what risks it can haveHow human biases enter datasetsHow AI can be used in diverse fields Access the full series of AI4ALL's Bytes of AI from their website. 

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Vanessa Clark

AI4ALL: Bytes of AI - AI & Facial Recognition

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Bytes of AI are fun, quick introductions to artificial intelligence through a variety of different topics. These can be used to spark an interest in AI before exploring the AI4ALL curriculum further. Bytes of AI introduce students and teachers to some of the core ideas of AI including:How data becomes output in an AI modelWhat AI is capable of, what risks it can haveHow human biases enter datasetsHow AI can be used in diverse fields Access the full series of AI4ALL's Bytes of AI from their website. 

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Vanessa Clark

AI4ALL: Bytes of AI - AI & Drawing

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Bytes of AI are fun, quick introductions to artificial intelligence through a variety of different topics. These can be used to spark an interest in AI before exploring the AI4ALL curriculum further. Bytes of AI introduce students and teachers to some of the core ideas of AI including:How data becomes output in an AI modelWhat AI is capable of, what risks it can haveHow human biases enter datasetsHow AI can be used in diverse fields Access the full series of AI4ALL's Bytes of AI from their website. 

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Vanessa Clark

ChatGPT - Above The Noise

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This overview by CoSN delves into the facts and myths of AI: "If you've had time to pay attention, you may have picked up on the noise happening in K-12 circles around ChatGPT and the myriad of other AI web tools that suddenly are in the spotlight. Why all the noise and how do EdTech minded administrators respond?"

Material Type: Lecture

Author: CoSN

Human-Centered AI: Guidance for K-12 Public Schools

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is emerging rapidly across industries—including K–12 education. To support educators and education leaders in equitable and inclusive uses of AI in classrooms across Washington, the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) presents this initial guidance, which emphasizes a human-centered approach to using this ever-evolving tool. OSPI’s guidance on integrating AI into Washington classrooms is designed to be used by stakeholders across public education. The document covers definitions, principles and values, guidance, policy, academic integrity and AI assistance, and professional development. .

Material Type: Reading, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction

AI for Teachers - an Open Textbook

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AI and education are not just topics for industry. The education system should be prepared to identify how best to make use of AI in the classroom, reassure teachers, make them responsible users and start an effective teacher-training program. The goal of this textbook is to give teachers the knowledge necessary for deciding if, where and how AI can help. • How can artificial intelligence impact learning and teaching in my classroom? • Can it help me do what I want to do with my students? • How can it change the dynamics and interactions I have with my students? • How do I even know when it is being used correctly or incorrectly? • And, what should I be aware of if I want to put it to good use? Available in English, French, German, Italian, and Slovenian

Material Type: Textbook

Authors: AI4T, Colin de la Higuera, Jotsna Iyer

AI Guidance for Schools Toolkit

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The AI Guidance for Schools Toolkit from TeachAI is designed to help education authorities, school leaders, and teachers create thoughtful guidance to help their communities realize the potential benefits of incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) in primary and secondary education while understanding and mitigating the potential risks.

Material Type: Reading, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Rebecca Henderson

AI Toolkits

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aiEDU's AI Toolkits are materials designed to support teachers, parents and other community champions to share the importance of artificial intelligence education and support its adoption in your learning spaces.

Material Type: Diagram/Illustration, Reading

Author: Rebecca Henderson