The Imperfect (espanol)

Culture: Ecuador

Bargain in department stores in Latin-America is not a common practice; nonetheless, it is a common practice to bargain with vendors in markets (mercado) all throughout Spanish America.  The buyers may offer a lower price than the one being asked, and in some cases, the buyers may even offer a third of the asking price.  This back and forth, also known as haggling, may continue until both parties agreed on the price.  When bargaining in Latin-America, please keep in mind that you can only proceed if you are serious about the purchase, otherwise, you should abstain yourself from initiating the haggling.  

En el mercado de Ecuador:

You just traveled to Ecuador to further practice your Spanish speaking skills.  After months of taking a Spanish college course you feel confident to bargain at the local mercado; but first you wanted to make sure your writing skills, as well as, your vocabulary are up to the challenge, and decided to fill in the blank the follwing activity:

Paso 1 Usa el imperfecto de los verbos en paréntesis y completa la entrada que falta.

El mercado esta a una hora de la capital de Ecuador. Esa mañana 1) -----------(hacer) mucho frio, y el cielo 2) ------------- (estar) nublado.  Tu amigo Carlos 3) ----------- (llamar) para ver como iban las compras.  Carlos 4) ---------- (ser) muy amable. El mercado 5) ------------ (parecer) un lugar de otro mundo.

Paso 2  Contesta las siguientes preguntas:

Cómo amaneció el día? 

Cómo estaba el cielo?

Cómo era el mercado?



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