Fall Leaves Lesson

Lesson Plan


Date:         June 22nd, 2016                    Grade Level: Preschool


Concept: Secondary colors


Objectives: Students are to use their knowledge of colors to predict what will happen when primary colors are mixed together. Students will be able to analyze the outcomes and identify the changed colors as well as why they changed.


Students will use primary colors to mix secondary colors while continuing to explore primary colors. They will use scientific inquiry to predict and analyze the outcomes. Using their knowledge, students will identify the changed colors, what happened, and why they changed. After that conversation, the students will take a short quiz and goal should be 8/10.



Introduction: Make sure names are on leave papers and paint cups are ready with paint in them at each child’s seat with brushes, water, a wipe (to clean hands between) and paint shirts. In a class discussion have the students talk about their favorite colors. Talk about the primary colors that they know. Then, ask if they see their favorite colors outside or notice differences in the colors outside. After, point out the other changes that are happening – like the weather, or being around new classmates.


Vocabulary: Secondary colors, mixing, green, orange, analyze, prediction, scientists, color chart


Body of Lesson: First, have students predict what will happen when red and yellow are mixed together and write predictions on the board. Have the students go put on their paint shirts then mix red and yellow together and come back to the carpet. Talk about what happened and what color and have them go and color one leaf. Next, do the same steps with blue and yellow. After painting the leaf, have the students come back to the carpet and discuss if their predictions were correct. Let the students know that scientists are incorrect at times too and as long as they tried and made a prediction then that is all that matters. Put down the actual colors and compare and analyze compared to the predictions.


Accommodations/Modifications: If needed, mix paint in advance and also provide a color chart for the student/students to compare.


Multiple Intelligence(s) Addressed: Science, predictions, analyzing, secondary colors, seasons


Assessment: Have the students explore with different mixes. While the students are mixing, walk around the room and ask students what colors they mixed together and what color they achieved. Then after the activity – or the next day – complete the ten question quiz.


My assessment is formative. It is formative because I am assessing the children while learning is taking place/during an activity. Also, it is assessing the students as well as myself as a teacher so I can see if the students are learning and if I need to adjust or add anything next time. It is also formative because it points out what needs to be improved with each student. During the quiz as a class will add to the assessment of the children.


Materials: Red, yellow and blue paint. Paintbrushes, four cups for each student (water, three colors of paint), extra cups, paper towels, whiteboard, expo marker, wipes, color charts, paint shirts, pictures of leaves printed off – at least five per student, pen, computer for quiz


Standards: Science:  

-       Child develops scientific skills and methods

-        Makes observations, collects information, and describes objects and processes

-       Begins to make comparisons between objects that have been observed

-       Begins to look for answers to questions through active investigation

-       Child uses sentences that include two or more ideas with descriptive details

-       Child uses senses, materials, tools, technology, events in nature, and the environment to investigate and expand knowledge

Creative Arts:

-       Child progresses in exploration and experimentation with new materials and techniques

-       Uses materials to make a simple representation and describes or demonstrates how it was made

-       Child gains experience in making shapes and linear patterns

-       Draws or paints images with a few details

-       Child broadens artistic exploration

-       Child develops confidence in own creative expression through experiences that celebrate what child learns through the process, rather than creating a product



Teacher Name:     

    Student Name:     ________________________________________


4 Exceeds Standards

3 Meets Standards

2 Developing Skills

1 Needs Guidance

Identifies New Colors Being Made During Activity

Names all secondary colors after they are mixed, and proceeds to mix colors making tertiary colors and identifying them.

Names all the secondary colors after they are mixed.

Names the secondary colors that are mixed after guidance.

Cannot identify any of the colors being mixed together.

Identifies Important Information After Activity

Student lists all the colors without having them in front of him/her.

The student lists all the colors, but uses the cups on the table for reference.

The student lists all but one of the colors, using the cups for reference. S/he does not highlight any unimportant points.

The student cannot identify the colors with accuracy.

Can distunguish between primary and secondary colors

Can label each color primary or secondary correctly, quickly and without referring to anything.

Can label colors primary or secondary correctly.

Can label colors primary or secondary if given a color wheel.

Cannot label colors primary or secondary.

Predictions: Before hand

Understands what it means to predict; makes 4 or more predictions

Understands what it means to predict; makes three predictions.

Is confused on the concept of predicting, but makes one prediction.

Does not make a prediction.

Analyzation: After

Analyzes information about what happened and why with the group. i.e why the colors changed, etc. And relates to the predictions made

Analyzes information Somewhat relates to predictions

Unable to relate to predictions, Analyzes the colors made but not how they were made

Does not understand why the colors changed, etc. Unable to relate to predictions

Behavior During Activity

I got right to work, focused the whole time, stayed in my seat, and followed directions the first time asked.

I got right to work, and focused for most of the time. I followed directions the second time I was asked.

It took me a few minutes to get to work, I was unfocused most of the time, I got out of my seat, talked to my friends and didn't follow directions until the third time asked.

I did not get started on my work in a timely manner, I talked to my friends, didn't follow directions at all and was not focused.

Date Created: June 26, 2016

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