Introduction to Operating Systems

Basic Terminology & Definitions:       Task, program, process, thread, job, process state, process state transitions, process scheduling, process context, process mode, event, ready queue, blocked queue, suspended queue, resource, degree of multiprogramming, process priority, I/O scheduling, preemption, preemptive, nonpreemptive, process states

State Transition Models And Process Life Cycles:Two state model, five state model, seven state model, eleven state model, Phases in and reasons of  Process creation, suspension, termination

Process Management:      PCB, Process image, mode switch Vs context switch

Threads:      Thread management, ULT, KLT, process switch Vs thread switch,

 System Calls For Process Management:      Fork, kill, signal, exec, wait, exit, getpid, getppid, nice, brk

 Process scheduling: Types of schedulers: Mid term-short term-long term schedulers, response time, waiting time, turnaround time, scheduling policies, uniprocessor scheduling, multiprocessor scheduling, real time scheduling, UNIX scheduling, LINUX scheduling, Comparative assessment of scheduling

Processes in Unix, Solaris and windows 2000 thread and SMP 

Multiple choice questions and exercise 

Download: Chapter 2- Process.pdf


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