Introduction to Operating Systems (view)
Units included with this Open Author resource:
- Unit 1: Introduction to Operating Systems
- Learning goals:
- Identify functions and objectives of Operating Systems., Understand the process life cycle and compare performance of process scheduling algorithms, Analyze various approaches for process concurrency and evaluate solutions to classical OS problems., Identify reasons for process deadlock and evaluate an integrated deadlock policy
- Keywords:
- Operating Systems, Process, Interprocess Communication, Deadlock, Deadlock Detection, classical OS problems, Semaphore, Monitor
- Alignment:
- Unit 2 : Process
- Learning goals:
- Understand the process life cycle and compare performance of process scheduling algorithms
- Alignment:
- Unit 3: Process Concurrency
- Learning goals:
- Analyze various approaches for process concurrency and evaluate solutions to classical OS problems
- Alignment:
- Unit 4: Process and Deadlocks
- Learning goals:
- Identify reasons for process deadlock and evaluate an integrated deadlock policy
- Keywords:
- Operating Systems, OS Objectives, Shell, process, process management, process scheduling, process concurrency, interprocess communication, semaphore, monitors, deadlock, classical problems in OS, banker's algorithm
- Alignment:
This open education resource is a collection of collection of Concepts of Operating Systems in Question & Answer form that are useful as out-of-class activity while flipping the classroom.