Sociology Live!

Sociology Live! is a series of open source videos available on for faculty and students in sociology. Using VideoScribe technology, these videos precisely explain complex sociological theories and concepts and engage both auditory and visual learners. Engaging different types of learning styles is important as students report losing attention in class can be as short as 30 seconds into the class period and up to 10-20 minutes in length. Students report shorter lapses in attention when faculty use non-lecture pedagogy. With each video being six minutes or less they can be easily incorporated into any face-to-face Introduction to Sociology course or embedded online. Discussion questions are included at the end of each video.

Cultural Capital

Cultural CapitalAccording to Pierre Bourdieu, cultural capital is the cultural knowledge that serves as the currency that helps us navigate a culture and alters our experiences and the opportunities available to us.  This theory focuses on the embodied, objectified and institutionalized states of capital and is significantly important in assisting us in understanding inequality in education and other social structures. Further explanation of cultural capital can be found on page 365 of the Sociology 2e text by OpenStax College.

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