Unit: PBL

  • How can we prevent getting sick in our environment?

Lesson 1: Grabber and Introduction



Introductory Grabber: The students will be introduced to two short videos. The students are responsible for paying close attention to what is occurring in the two videos.

Introduce the Central Question: First she will talk about what happened in the video and answer any questions that the students perhaps had.
The teacher will present the following question “ how can we prevent from getting sick in our environment”.

Lecture: Is there more than one thing we can do to prevent from getting sick? What are those things and why.Other than going to the doctor and asking them question where can you get that information as well.

Culminating Activity

Press Conference Activity
The structure for this activity is adapted from an activity developed by the Teachers' Curriculum Institute

Introduction: The students will be able to communicate with someone older than them to find of how they can prevent from getting sick. They will have to bring in an item or work on a mini art project, Their materials they can use are tape, glue, magazines, and poster paper. Items brought into class have to be able to prevent us from getting sick.

Lecture: What knowledge did the students gain while finding out this information (research). Where they able to remember what was old to them while speaking to the older person.

Activity Overview: Talk to someone such as your parent or older brother or sister and ask them the Central question. Bring something into class that relates to what the parent and student have discussed. Things that can be brought are perhaps an item that was talk about or a poster with pictures of what was discussed or simple a demonstration of what the student learned while talking to the parent or older sibling.

Debriefing: Each individual student will present what they went home and talked about or their art project or object they brought into class to share with the rest of the students. If the object is able to be used in class and if it's okay for the student to leave in class so other students can use them as well so they don't get sick throughout the school year.

Role Play: Listen and observe how the students do during their participation. Being attentive the the student while talking. It will be noticeable if the students did speak to their parents and their amount of effort.


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