OER Fellowship: Training for Educators

Resources: Evaluating Resources in the OER Commons

As you can imagine, not all OER is equal, and the OER Commons relies on its users for quality control. We can all be part of evaluating the resources we find so that future educators can be better informed about content and alignment of resources.  Acheive.org has created rigorous rubrics, and the OER Commons has adopted them for evaluation. Users can also add a star rating to any resource. Read and view the following resources for evaluating OER in the OER Commons. 

1. Information about the Acheive Rubric PDF

2. Acheive EQuIP rubrics for Math, ELA, and Science

3. Watch the video below for how to evaluate resources in the OER Commons

Using OER Commons and the Achieve OER Evaluation Tool

Task: Complete P2PU Course: "Get CC Savvy"

Complete this GET CC SAVVY online course

Create a P2PU account, click "start challenge" and complete each course task. Be sure to view all links and videos.

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