1.1   Identify tool listing

               i)   Purpose of tool.

                    • Automated test equipment.

                    • Test change kit

              ii)   Source of tool list by process/machine requirement list. 

             iii)  Procedure of obtaining operational resources requirement.

    1.2   Asses tool listing

          i)   Purpose of tool by process/ machine requirement list.

         ii)  Tool listing by process/machine requirement list.

        iii)  Method of assessing tool by process/machine requirement list. 

        iv) Technique of assessing tool by process/machine requirement list.

    1.3  Produce tool Inventory

         i)  Purpose of producing tool inventory.

        ii) Technique of producing tool inventory. 

       iii) Method of generating tool inventory.

   1.4 Forward tool inventory report for approval

        i) Authority personnel to approve tool inventory report.

       ii) Method of submitting tool inventory report for approval.

      iii) Technique of submitting tool inventory report for approval.

      iv) Procedure of submitting finalized tool inventory report for approval.


         1. List type of tools used in process/machine

        2. Outline the method involved in generating the tool inventory report

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