Reading Strategies Using Nearpod
LESSON TOPIC: Reading Strategies
OBJECTIVES: The students will examine and define each reading strategy to prepare for activities that will be completed in WIN this marking period.(WIN= What I Need)
MINI-LESSON: The teacher will explain to students that we need to use reading strategies understand different types of text by thinking about what the author wants us to learn, using clues to understand things the author doesn’t tell you, using prior knowledge, and checking our own understanding. The teacher will also give a quick overview of the activities we will be completing in WIN.
- The teacher will show students posters of different reading strategies.
- The students will discuss among one another what they think each strategy means and how it helps us understand what we are reading.
- The students will log into Google Classroom and locate the lesson assigned for today.
- The teacher will remind the students to “Open” the lesson.
- Then, the students will click on the Nearpod link provided and enter the join code provided by the teacher.
- Once, students have all joined the activity, they will enter their name to show the teacher they are ready.
- The teacher will advance the slides one at a time, allowing time for students to read and/or complete the activity assigned to that slide.
- The teacher may need to assist students and give helpful hint for completing some activities such as drawing or clicking and dragging.
- The teacher and students will work through each slide until completion.
CLOSING: The students will post a comment in Google Classroom to share which reading strategy they feel comfortable with and which strategy they feel is the trickiest and why. The students will then comment on another student’s post explaining how they share their feelings or to give helpful tips to understanding a strategy. (SAMR-Modification)
The students will also show their feelings about the activities we will be completing in WIN by showing a thumbs up (confident), thumbs sideways (so-so), or thumbs down (not sure about how I will do).
ASSESSMENT: The teacher will review the Nearpod report in order to give students necessary guidance to ensure understanding throughout the marking period while in WIN.
MODIFICATIONS: There may not be enough time to compete using a “live session”. If this occurs, the students will complete the Nearpod activity again the following day using the “Student Paced” option.
FOCUS CCSS: Standard Area - CC.1.3.2: Reading Literature: Students read and respond to works of literature - with emphasis on comprehension, making connections among ideas and between texts with focus on textual evidence.
ITSE Standards for Teachers:
2. Digital Citizen
6. Creative Communicator
ITSE Standards for Teachers:
2. Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
4. Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility
MATERIALS: Chromebooks for each student, headphones, wired mice (if desired by students)
TECHNOLOGY: The students will complete all components of the Nearpod link below as a substitution to showing posters and verbally explaining each strategy (SAMR- substitution).
It was previously inconceivable to complete this activity with 100% participation in 25 minutes (SAMR- redefinition).