Distributed Database Systems through Database Clustering


 This chapter will enable the students to:

1.       Define a database cluster and discuss its advantages

2.       Identify and obtain the requirements to set-up a cluster

3.       Discuss Virtualization Technology

4.       Create and configure a virtual machine with Linux OS

5.       Use applicable Linux commands

6.       Share files between Windows and Linux


As stated in https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mysql-cluster-overview.html:

 “NDB Cluster is a technology that enables clustering of in-memory databases in a shared-nothing system. The shared-nothing architecture enables the system to work with very inexpensive hardware, and with a minimum of specific requirements for hardware or software.”

 “NDB Cluster is designed not to have any single point of failure. In a shared-nothing system, each component is expected to have its own memory and disk, and the use of shared storage mechanisms such as network shares, network file systems, and SANs is not recommended or supported.”

“NDB Cluster integrates the standard MySQL server with an in-memory clustered storage engine called NDB (which stands for “Network DataBase”). In our documentation, the term NDB refers to the part of the setup that is specific to the storage engine, whereas “MySQL NDB Cluster” refers to the combination of one or more MySQL servers with the NDB storage engine.”

 “An NDB Cluster consists of a set of computers, known as hosts, each running one or more processes. These processes, known as nodes, may include MySQL servers (for access to NDB data), data nodes (for storage of the data), one or more management servers, and possibly other specialized data access programs. The relationship of these components in an NDB Cluster is shown here:”

MySQL NDB Cluster Components
MySQL_NDB_Cluster_Components.pngMySQL NDB Cluster Components

NDB Cluster Overview. Retrieved from https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mysql-cluster-overview.html

NDB Cluster Overview. Retrieved from https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mysql-cluster-overview.html

MySQL NDB Cluster basically has the following components:

 1.       Cluster Management Node

 2.       Data Node

 3.       SQL Node

Cluster Management Node

 This node acts as the controller of the cluster. It provides configuration data that serves as reference for the other nodes.  It can also be used to perform tasks such as starting and stopping a node.  It is the first node that must be started in the cluster.

 Data Node

 This is used to store data within the cluster.  Depending on the setup that you want to implement, your cluster can contain 2,4 or more data nodes containing the same set of data also known as replicas.

 SQL Node

 This serves as the gateway or entrance to the cluster data.  This is in fact a MYSQL server which uses the NDBCLUSTER as its storage engine.  The older MYSQL but very popular storage engines are MyISAM and InnoDB.  The cluster could be integrated with two or more SQL Nodes to ensure high data availability.

Requirements to Setup MySQL NDB Cluster

In the absence of a physical hardware to setup the cluster, Virtualization technology is a viable option not only for the sake of learning but also for real-life implementations.

In a virtual architecture, you can see that on top of the physical machine sits virtualization software which lays the ground for virtual environment. Inside the virtual environment, depending on the available memory, disk and CPU resources, several virtual machines (VMs) can be created.  These VMs can act just like the physical computers.  Each VM has its own operating system (OS) and applications. In the example that will be provided in this handout, each VM will be installed with an OS called Ubuntu 16.04 (one of the popular Linux distributions).

Before you deep dive into the clustering task, you have to ensure that the following requirements are met:

a.       PC with enough memory, CPU and disk requirements to serve as a host

b.      Virtualization software (e.g. Oracle VirtualBox, VMWare)

c.       A VM with Linux OS distribution (Ubuntu 16.04 server), and enabled “root” user.

d.      MySQL NDB Cluster installer

e.      Knowledge of basic Linux commands


Downloading Oracle VirtualBox

1. Do a Google search:



2. Click the given link as shown in the above image

3. Click the “Windows hosts” link as shown below:



4. Once downloaded, you may install the VirtualBox using the downloaded file.  To do this task, you must have an administrative privilege.  Once VirtualBox is installed, you will find a shortcut on your Desktop.



Downloading Ubuntu 16.04 (A Linux Distribution)

 1. Do a Google search as shown below:



2. Click the link “Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS (Xenial Xerus)



3. Click “64-bit PC (AMD64) server install image”.  However, “32-bit PC (i386) server install image” can also be download if the PC runs on 32-bit platform.



4. Once download is complete, look for this file in your Download folder:



Congratulations! You just had your Ubuntu Linux installer.

Downloading the MySQL NDB Cluster Installer

 1. Do a Google search



2. Go to the download page by clicking the link similar to the following:



3. On the download page, select the values as shown below:



Note: At the time of writing this material, the latest generally available version was 7.5.x. However, the version that we will be using is good enough to setup a cluster.  Normally, you can find fewer support or help for newer versions in case you need it.

4. After choosing the values shown in the previous step, you get a single result as shown below. Click Download and wait until it’s done.  



5. Once download is complete, copy the downloaded file “mysql-cluster-gpl-7.4.11-debian7-x86_64.deb”to your “shared” folder in Windows.

                 Congratulations! You just got the MySQL Cluster installer for free.  The next section will cover the MySQL Cluster Installation.

Creating a Virtual Machine on Oracle VirtualBox

1. Open the Oracle VirtualBox [ Double-click the shortcut from your Windows Desktop or click from the Start Menu]



2. Click New [This opens up the screen as shown below.]



3. Enter the details as shown and click Next.



4. Enter the memory size to be allocated for your Linux box.  

For this example, type in 1024.  This is in terms of MB, which is equivalent to 1 GB.  Take note that this memory size will also be taken from the available memory of your PC (the host machine) once you started your Linux box. Click Next when done.



5. Create a virtual Hard Disk 

 In this step, just go with the default option which is “Create a virtual hard disk now” and click Create.



6. Specify the Hard disk file type. 

In this example, choose VHD (Virtual Hard Disk), which is the second option. Click next when done.



7. Storage on physical hard disk

Select Dynamically allocated, which is the default. Click Next.



8. Set File location and size

Select the default, which is 8.00 GB. Click Create.

 That’s it! You just created a new Linux virtual box keep in mind that the OS is not yet installed.

 Your next task is to install the Ubuntu 16.04 server OS on your machine.  You will use the installer that you have downloaded before.



Installing Ubuntu 16.04 on a Virtual Machine

1. Click the Virtual Machine (MyLinuxBox) that you have just created and click Start.



2. Select Start-up Disk

Click the Open button pointed to by the arrow in the given screenshot.



 It opens up a dialog box where you must choose the Linux installer that you previously downloaded.

3. Navigate to the folder where the installer is saved and choose the installer similar to the given screenshot. 

Click Open. This goes back to the previous screen.



4. Click Start

This will lead you to the actual Ubuntu Server installation steps.



5. Choose a Language  

Press enter to set English (default choice) as the language.



6.  Install Ubuntu Server

Press enter.



7.  For the next steps, just select the default option as shown:



As a practice later on, you may proceed with a new installation and specify your desired values.

Select a language                            ->            English

Select your location                        ->            United States

Configure the keyboard layout       ->            No

Configure the  keyboard                              

                Country of origin              ->            English (US)

                Keyboard layout               ->            English (US)

 After all these steps, configuration starts.

8. Enter Host name



9. Enter the Full name



10. Set the Username



11. Set the Password

In the next steps, you will be asked to enter and re-enter your password.  Do not forget your password.

 If the password is found weak, you will be asked whether you want to use the password or not.  If you want to change it, choose No. Otherwise, choose Yes to proceed to the next step.  

12. Encrypt your home directory - For this example, select No and the setup will continue.  

13.  Configure the clock

Press Enter to select the default option (Eastern)

 The setup will again continue.

14. Partition Disks

Press Enter to select the default option (Guided – use entire disk and set up LVM)



15. Select disk to partition



16. Write changes to the disk

 In this step, select Yes and press Enter.



17. Set the Amount of volume

 In this step, select Continue and press Enter



 18. Write the changes

 Select Yes and press Enter

 The setup will continue after this step.  It will take a couple of minutes or more depending on the speed of your computer.



19.  HTTP proxy

 Select Continue and press Enter.  The setup will again continue.  Please be patient, this step will take longer time.



20. Manage Upgrades

 Press Enter to choose the default option as shown in the given image.



21. Choose software to install

 Choose the software you need from the list by pressing Space Bar.  Choose the options as shown in the screenshot.



22. Install the GRUB boot loader



23. Installation complete!  Press Enter to boot into the new system



24. Logging in to your Linux VM

 Use the user name and password that you have entered during installation.




 You just logged-in to your Linux virtual machine.  The next workaround is to update the information on your machine with the newest versions of packages.



Enabling “root” user in Ubuntu

Unlike other Linux distributions, root user is not enabled by default in Ubuntu.  The following instructions will teach you how to enable such user.

We will enable root user so that we can use it to execute commands that need admin privileges.  Can you do this using the user you have created during installation? The answer is yes.  However, before every command, you must add the word sudo, which means “super user do”.

Example: Creating a directory or folder

If you are logged-in as root, you just need the command: mkdir directory_name.However, for a non-root user with sudo privileges, you need to type the command sudo mkdir directory_name

Creating the root’s password

Before enabling the root user, let us set its password first.  By the default, root has no password.

1.       At the command prompt, type-in:

 sudo passwd root  (Press Enter)

2.       Enter your password if asked then enter and re-enter the root’s password (Unix password). Refer to the given screenshot:




Note: Type the command clear followed by an Enter key to clear your screen.

Enabling “root” user

Open the configuration file by typing the command:

sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config  (press Enter)

This should bring up a window similar to the following screenshot:

This means that you want to open the sshd_config file using the nano editor of Linux.

In the sshd_config, do the following:

1.       Put # before PermitRootLogin prohibit-password command to make it as just a comment.

 2.       Next to the above-mentioned command, type PermitRootLogin yes

 3.       Save the changes by pressing Ctrl+X, then Y and Enter.  This closes the nano editor and goes back to the command prompt.

 4.       Reboot the machine and login as root, type the command reboot and press Enter



5.  After reboot, you will be asked to login.  At this point, type root as the login name followed by its password. If you’ve entered the correct values, you should see a screen similar to the following:



Updating and Upgrading the Linux VM and Installing Software

After a successful login, there are times when you could read a message such as:

98 packages can be updated.

44 updates are security updates.

 As shown in the previous screenshot.  These messages simply mean that you should update your system.

Updating the Linux VM

 At the command prompt, type the command:

               apt-get update (press Enter)

 Immediately, update will start.



What does “apt-get update “mean?

 Linux keeps information about the versions of packages available in your machine.  This information is used to determine whether the package is still up-to-date or already old.  If a package is found to be old, Linux will recommend that you update it.

 So what is Package then?

 A Package is a compressed file which contains all the necessary files needed by a certain application.

 Therefore, such command means to update the package information database that is maintained by Linux.

Upgrading the Linux VM (Optional)

After a successful update of the packages using “apt-get update”, optionally, you may “upgrade” your Linux VM based on the updated packages.  In both “update” and “upgrade” commands, you must be connected to the Internet.

 To upgrade your Linux VM, at the command prompt, type in:

        apt-get upgrade  (and press Enter)




Basic Linux Commands

The table below contains few Linux shell commands with meanings and examples. You will use most of these to implement the related lab activities in this material.






Clears the screen


Clears the screen




List all files and folders in the current directory

ls /etc

List all contents of etc directory

ls /etc/*.conf

List any file with .conf extension


Change directory

cd /etc

Changes directory to etc

cd ..

One directory up/back

cd ~

Goes to the user’s home directory

cd -

Goes to your previous working directory


Print working directory




Make directory

mkdir dir1

Makes dir1 directory in the current directory

mkdir /tmp/tmp1

Makes tmp1 directory inside tmp directory


Removes file or directory

rm –f /tmp/tmp1/a*

Removes all files that start with “a” from tmp1 directory.

rm –rf /tmp/tmp1

Removes the tmp1 directory


Moves or renames a file

mv a.txt /tmp

Moves a.txt to tmp directory

mv a.txt aa.txt

Renames a.txt to aa.txt


Displays the file contents

cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Displays the contents of sshd_config file all at once.

cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config | more

Displays the contents of sshd_config file.  It pauses after 1 full screen then allows you to move line by line by pressing Enter key.


Change owner

chown my.cnf mysql:mysql

Change the owner of my.cnf to user and group mysql


Downloads file from a remote location

wget http://devs.mysql/download/mysql.tar

Downloads mysql.tar from the specified location.


Change user’s password

passwd root

Change root’s password to the desired one.


Find a word(s) from a given file

grep “Permit” /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Finds the word “Permit” from sshd_config file.


List your processes

ps -ax

List all current process

ps –ax | grep “mysql”

List all process containing the keyword “mysql”


Ends a process

kill -9 1234

Kills process ID 1234.  Process number can be known using the “ps” command.


It means InterFace Configuration


Shows the configuration such as IP address of your machine’s network interface




Tests whether a network connection exists between your machine and the machine with the specified IP address. 

Sharing Files between Windows and Linux

In the implementation of Virtualization, we have all the reasons to consider the host and guest as two separate machines that can communicate with each other and share files as well.  In our example, the host machine runs on Windows operating system while the guest machine runs on Ubuntu 16.04 server operating system.   Though both of them are on the same PC, they operate with their own resources such as disk storage and memory.  Both of them have IP addresses which allow them to get connected to the network with unique identities.

This section will walk you through the detailed steps that will lead you to share a folder from the host machine to the guest machine.  In other words, a folder in Windows will be accessible from Linux environment. To make this possible, configurations should be made from two ends, the Windows and Linux.

Using the Windows machine, do the following:

1.       Create a folder named “shared”. 

2.       Right-click the “shared” folder and click Properties.

3.       From the Properties dialog box, click the Sharing tab.

4.       On the Sharing tab, click the Share… button.  This will show the screen below.



5.       From the dropdown list, select “Everyone” and click Add

6.       Click Share

7.       Click Done.

Using the Linux VM, do the following:

 1.       Open the Oracle VirtualBox

 2.       Right-click your Linux VM (e.g MyLinuxBox) and click Settings…

 3.       From the Settings dialog, click Shared Folder.




4.   Click the Add new shared folder button, as show below:



5.   From the Folder Path dropdown list, click Other…



6.      Select the “shared” folder from Windows

7.      Tick Auto-mount as shown below and click OK.



8.       Start your Linux VM (MyLinuxBox).

9.       Login as “root” user

10.     From the menu of your Linux VM, click Devices, point to Optical Drives and click VBoxGuestAdditions.iso



This is like inserting a CD/DVD installer in a physical optical drive.

11.   Type the command: mount /dev/cdrom /mnt (press Enter)



12.    Run the installer you’ve selected from step 3. Type the command:

                 /mnt/VBoxLinuxAdditions.run (press Enter)



13.   Add a users’ group called “vboxusers” by typing the command:

                 groupadd vboxusers (press Enter)

14.   Add “root” to vboxusers group by typing the command:

              adduser root vboxusers (press Enter) 




15.     To apply the configurations you’ve made, reboot your machine by typing: reboot

16.      Login again as root

17.      To verify whether you’ve successfully shared the Windows folder to your Linux VM, type the command: 

            cd /media/sf_shared      (press Enter)

          You should see an output similar to the screenshot below.




Type the command ls to list the contents of the shared directory.

 Notice that the current directory is sf_shared.  Keep in mind that “sf_” is automatically prefixed by Linux to the folder to indicate that it’s a “shared folder”. For example, if the shared folder name is opensource, then you can access the folder from Linux through the name sf_opensource.



This chapter had empowered you to understand what database clustering and virtualization technologies are all about.  It also demonstrated how to freely obtain the software that will make-up cluster.  Most importantly, it enabled you to create a virtual machine that will host the cluster components.



Do the following assignment using your own laptop:

1.       Create a new VM named “PracticeVM” based on what you have learned from this chapter.  You may use the Ubuntu 16.04 Linux installer that you have already downloaded.

 2.       On Windows machine, create a folder named MyShared.  Save a copy of your Ubuntu installer in this folder. Share this folder to        everyone.

 3.       Configure your PracticeVM so that you can access the file(s) stored in MyShared folder of Windows.

 4.       Prove that you have done all the above requirements by showing your outputs to your teacher.

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