Recorded webinar session from March 30, 2016, presented as a professional learning component to STEM teacher and school librarian participants of the IMLS funded School Librarians Advancing STEM Learning (#SLASL 2016) project. 

Webinar #2:

Webinar Chat Session:

19:41:27     From Jeanna : No citation that I can see either.
19:41:49     From marlene damery : It requires the person to try to make connections based on the words that are there
19:41:53     From Katie : complex design but not complex text
19:42:00     From Jaime Newell : Its an image meant to be art/design, not text
19:42:02     From Lisa Petrie : Is there intertextual stuff going on here...?
19:42:09     From Jessica Eakin : Thinking about the connection between the image and text could be a good starting point to get into a text
19:42:14     From Dawn : Not a complex text… I agree with Elizabeth
19:42:27     From helen.brock : This is not a complex text but a way of thinking about how images can be created that utilize text. Will spark conversation though!
19:42:42     From elizabeth : Whose Kitty?
19:43:44     From Jaime Newell : Sounds like mine but she is sitting in my lap purring, not meowing for once...haha
19:51:56     From Dawn : 1
19:51:58     From pamelaharland : 2
19:52:00     From kevin munroe : 1
19:52:00     From Katie : 1
19:52:02     From ncarle : 1
19:52:03     From Rebecca Hanna : it is a 1
19:52:04     From Lisa Petrie : 3
19:52:04     From Jessica Eakin : 1
19:52:04     From Jeanna : 1.75
19:52:05     From rachelbartlett : 1
19:52:06     From helen.brock : 1
19:52:17     From Gail March : 2
19:52:25     From elizabeth : 2
19:53:11     From Lisa Petrie : Maybe 2.5. :-)
19:53:23     From Letha Goger : :)
19:53:30     From Katie : can you post the video on the oer commons shared resources?
19:54:10     From Letha Goger : We will provide the link to the more detailed video as a follow up to this meeting!
19:54:24     From Letha Goger : ATOS Text Analyzer
19:55:15     From Letha Goger : Copy and paste your text into the field to analyze your text!
19:55:39     From Lisa Petrie : Literacy Coords in our district use Lexile. Is there a better argument for using ATOS...?
19:56:05     From Letha Goger : It is easier for general use - copy and paste - and it is free.
19:56:23     From Letha Goger : But Lexile would be terrific if available to you.
19:57:12     From Letha Goger : and ATOS can be mapped to Lexile levels
19:57:50     From Lisa Petrie : Thanks, Letha!
20:11:44     From Dawn : I think I have an extra if you can wait.
20:11:57     From Dawn : The brownies look yummy
20:13:28     From Jaime Newell : adj
20:13:29     From Lisa Petrie : Adjective
20:13:30     From marlene damery : adjective
20:13:31     From Jessica Eakin : adjective
20:13:32     From Gail March : Adjective
20:13:32     From elizabeth : adjective
20:13:32     From helen.brock : adjective
20:13:36     From Swift : adjective
20:13:36     From rachelbartlett : adj
20:13:37     From Robin : adjective
20:13:42     From ncarle : adj
20:13:44     From Jeanna : adjective
20:13:45     From Dawn : adjective
20:15:06     From Gail March : Frost
20:15:11     From Lisa Petrie : Robert Frost
20:15:29     From Jaime Newell : from NH! haha
20:17:47     From Jaime Newell : yeah they will just type the question into google to get the answer
20:20:13     From helen.brock : A- no
20:20:15     From Lisa Petrie : A. No
20:20:20     From Katie : a-no
20:20:21     From marlene damery : a- no
20:20:22     From Jessica Eakin : A: no
20:20:25     From Jessica Eakin : B: No
20:20:26     From helen.brock : B- Yes parent cell
20:20:27     From Lisa Petrie : B. No
20:20:28     From Jeanna : A - no
20:20:28     From Jaime Newell : a no b no c yes
20:20:30     From Jessica Eakin : C: Yes
20:20:30     From Lisa Petrie : C. Yes
20:20:31     From marlene damery : b.  no
20:20:33     From marlene damery : c yes
20:20:33     From Jeanna : B - no
20:20:34     From kevin munroe : a no
20:20:35     From Katie : b-no
20:20:35     From Swift : c yes
20:20:37     From helen.brock : C yes with further reading
20:20:39     From kevin munroe : b no
20:20:41     From rachelbartlett : c yes
20:20:42     From j_zaffers : C only
20:20:42     From Jeanna : C - yes
20:20:44     From kevin munroe : c yes
20:20:45     From Dawn : a - no  b- no   c - yes
20:20:45     From Katie : c-yes
20:20:48     From Swift : a - no
20:20:51     From Swift : b - no
20:20:55     From Rebecca Hanna : a no b no c yes
20:20:56     From mwright : c yes
20:20:58     From elizabeth : a- no  b- yes  c- yes although they might not understand it
20:21:06     From ncarle : A) No B)
20:21:15     From Lisa Petrie : B. Yes...?
20:21:22     From Gail March : a- no; b-no; c-yes
20:29:29     From Lisa Petrie : Can you recommend a favorite resource that speaks to the development of good TDQs...?
20:30:40     From Letha Goger : Will send out some suggestions!
20:30:41     From Letha Goger : Yes!
20:31:39     From kevin munroe : thank you
20:31:49     From helen.brock : Thanks!
20:31:52     From Lisa Petrie : Thanks!
20:31:55     From Letha Goger : Good night!
20:31:57     From Gail March : Thanks!
20:32:04     From Swift : good night all


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