Psychology pathway

Course Summary:

Students learn about psychology, beginning with a brief history of psychologists and their experimental methods. They then examine psychological concepts, such as personality theories, human development, and consciousness, including sleep, dreams, and psychoactive substances. Students also investigate social psychology and psychological disorders. They demonstrate their understanding by completing projects in which they play roles like teacher, parent, and psychologist.  




1 - Introduction to Psychology


Background Seminar - Introduction to Psychology

Seminar 1 - The Psychologists

Seminar 2 - Contemporary Psychology

Seminar 3 - Research Methods

Seminar 4 - The Brain

Seminar 5 - Methods of Studying the Brain

Seminar 6 - Sensation and Perception

Module Test

Problem 1: Conducting Ethical Research

2 - Learning and Memory


Seminar 1 - Classical Conditioning

Seminar 2 - Operant Conditioning

Seminar 3 - Learning By Insight and Observation

Seminar 4 - Types and Stages of Memory

Seminar 5 - How We Remember: Cues to Improving Memory

Seminar 6 - The Biology of Memory

Module Test

Problem 2: Controversial Decisions regarding Alzheimer’s Caregiving

3 - Thinking and Language


Seminar 1 - Accuracy and Inaccuracy in Memory and Cognition

Seminar 2 - Components and Biology of Language

Seminar 3 - Development and theories of Language Acquisition

Seminar 4 - Defining and Measuring Intelligence

Seminar 5 - Multiple Intelligences

Module Test

Problem 3: Is there more than one Intelligence?

4 - Emotion and Personality


Seminar 1 - Experience of Emotion

Seminar 2 - Emotion, Stress and Health

Seminar 3 - Human Motivation

Seminar 4 - Personality and Behavior: Approaches and Measurement

Seminar 5 - The Origins of Personality

Seminar 6 - Social Thinking

Module Test

Problem 4: Motivation, Growth Mindset and Grit

5 - Psychological Disorders


Seminar 1 - Defining Psychological Disorders

Seminar 2 - Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorders

Seminar 3 - Mood Disorders

Seminar 4 - Schizophrenia

Seminar 5 - Personality Disorders

Seminar 6 - ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorder

Module Test

Problem 5: Should Any Vaccines Be Required For Children?

6 - Treatment


Seminar 1 - Psychotherapy

Seminar 2 - Behavioral Therapy

Seminar 3 - Drug Therapies: Antidepressant Medications

Seminar 4 - Reducing Disorder by Changing the Social Situation

Seminar 5 - Social Influence

Seminar 6 - Aggression V. Altruism

Module Test

Problem 6: Mentally ill offenders involved with the U.S. criminal justice system

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Psychology by K12 Learning Unlimited is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

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Open Learning Initiative

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Crash Course Psychology by Patreon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

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