Lesson 2 Native Americans & Settlers (view)

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NET Nebraska Studies: Lesson 2 Native Americans & Settlers
Settlers, Native Americans, Nebraska, NE SS, Earthlodges, Homestead Act, Tipis
NE.SS 4.4.5.D, NE.SS 4.4.4.C, NE.SS 4.4.2.A, NE.SS 4.3.4.A, NE.SS 4.3.1.A, NE.SS 8.4.3.B, NE.SS 8.4.5.D, NE.SS 8.4.4.B, NE.SS 12.3.1.A, NE.SS 12.3.4.C, NE.SS 12.4.1.C, NE.SS 12.4.2.A


This lesson is part of a larger collection of lessons developed by NET - Nebraska Studies project work and accompany website. To see all of the lessons use the keyword search "Nebraska Studies". Lesson 2 has a variety of activities and materials related Native Americans and Settlers within Nebraska from 1850 - 1874. There are a variety of activities and materials that can be used with students of various grade levels. All of these items are tied to the NET Nebraska Studies Timeline materials which are shown and linked throughout the lesson. Teachers are not intended to use all of the contents within this lesson but to pick which activities or materials they would prefer to use with their students depending on the teachers needs. Most of the materials are shown within the lesson and/or have external links to the content or other content which may be helpful to the lesson's activities or materials.