Grade 1: Unit 2- Our Environment: Lesson 6 REMIX

Focus Question

How do I harm the environment?

Overview of the Lesson

This lesson focuses on how we harm the environment. It students an opportunity to explore and describe how different habits can be harmed.

Teacher Planning and Preparation

  • The teacher may want to chunk the story up into a two day reading. Use post-it notes to identify stopping points as well as to write text dependent questions. See lesson plan for sample text dependent questions.
  • The teacher will need to predetermine vocabulary that may need to be taught to students ahead of time that may enhance their understanding of the text. See lesson plan for suggested words to introduce.
  • The teacher will need to develop graphic organizers for students to use to compare/contrast.
  • The following websites provide alternate strategies and information for differentiation of lesson:

    Apply appropriate elements of UDL
    UDL Exchange Feature Guide

    English Language Learners
    Understanding What Students Can Do

    Gifted Children
    National Association for Gifted Children

    Consider the need for Accessible Instructional Materials (AIM) when selecting texts, and captioned/described video when selecting video or other media for this lesson.
    Special Education and 504 LD Online
    The Educators' Guide to Learning Disabilities and ADHD
    Maryland Learning Links

    Notes: Prepare for small group/guided reading instruction by selecting appropriate text and materials. Make connections to the unit concept of Our Environment wherever possible.

Student Outcomes

  • Students will listen and observe closely during a read aloud to answer text dependent questions.
  • Students will discuss how the environment in the text is harmed.
  • Student will compare/contrast characters and events in two texts.
  • Students will write an opinion piece and supply a reason from the text.

Lesson Materials

  • Copy of The Wump World by Bill Peet
  • Teacher generated text dependent questions
  • Student journals one per student
  • Venn Diagram one per student
  • Student Lap tops one per two students (optional)


Have students turn to a friend and ask one question about how the environment can be harmed harmed. Observe discussions to assess student knowledge.

Lesson Procedure

  • Display the book The Wump World by Bill Peet. Have students identify the parts of the book, paying particular attention to the illustrations on the cover. Discuss with the students the environment shown on the cover. Ask students if they would want to live in this environment. Have then Turn and Talk with a partner and explain their reasoning. 
  • Have them brainstorm possible ways this type of environment could be harmed. Students should reference what happened to the environment in The Lorax. 
  • Students will use context clues to determine meanings of vocabulary words. Find the sentence in the text and present the sentence to students either on the board, Smart Board, or sentence strips. Students will use the context to figure out the meaning of the word.
  • Suggested vocabulary to pre teach: Words selected should be words that if not introduced would impede comprehension of text.
    • Wandered (page 2): to roam
    • Horde (page 6): a large group
    • Prattling (page 9): chattering
    • Timid (page 11): shy
    • Warily (page 11): cautious
    • Frenzy (page 18 ): wild excitement
    • Gaped (page 38): to stare with open mouth, as in wonder
  • The teacher will read aloud to the student The Wump World. As the story is being read, the students will listen closely to respond to text dependent questions. This text can be shown in other forms of media. (Video, short clips, etc.) You Tube offers several read aloud versions of the story.

    Sample text dependent questions:

    • Would the Wumps have worried if they knew someone was watching their world? What does the author say that helps you know?
    • Why did the Wumps run and not defend their land? What words does the author use to help us know why?
    • Do the Pollutians make any choices before they change the environment?
    • Is what the Pollutians are doing helping or harming the environment? What in the text helps you know?
    • Why do the Pollutians choose to leave the Wump World? 
    • What do you think will happen to the Wump World in the future? What clues helped you make this prediction?
  • Wrap up the discussion of the story by posing this question to the class: Could the Pollutians and Wumps have lived in the Wump World together without harming the environment? Why or why not? As you discuss this question, help students identify what the Pollutians could have done differently that would have had a positive impact on the Wump World.
  •  Add to the class harm/help chart from yesterday (or add to their personal organizer) to complete the portion for The Wump World. For the positive impact, they will need to reference how the Wumps treated their world. For the negative impact, they will need to reference how the Pollutians treated their world. 

Technology Option: Create a Padlet that could be used as an ongoing class anchor chart throughout this unit. Students can access and add to the Padlet without creating an account or supplying any student information. 

  • After reading, students work with a partner to compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of the Wumps and the Pollutians using a Venn diagram or other graphic organizer. 
  • Students will use technology to take another look at the story. The teacher can have short story segments set up for the groups to watch. At the end of each segment, students will fill out information on their Venn diagram. (Provide alternatives to using laptops depending on availability and class needs.)
  • Discuss how the changes the Pollutians made harmed the Wump World. Have students write an informative piece that describes one aspect of the environment before and after a change. Students use details from the text and their Venn Diagrams. Students can add illustrations to support their writing.

Lesson Closure

Link the lesson to the focus question: How do I harm the environment? Use an exit slip and have students write about one way they can help the environment.


  1. Teacher observation of the following:
    • participation in class discussions
    • contributions to class charts
    • quality responses to questions
    • participation in cooperative learning activities
  2. Student responses in writing journals, graphic organizers, and to the writing prompt.

CCSS Standards Alignment

RL 1.1 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.

RL 1.9 Compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in stories.

W 1.2 Write informative/explanatory texts in which they name a topic, supply some facts about the topic, and provide some sense of closure.

W1.6 With guidance and support from adults, use a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers.

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