eLearning: Designing sustainable food systems

The sustainable production, processing and distribution of food is one of mankind's greatest challenges. The eLearning course ‘Designing sustainable food systems’ offers an insight into this complex topic.

The online course is available free of charge. It is in English and aimed at students and others who have an interest in sustainable food systems with or without experience in the subject. The first module begins with an introduction to the topic of sustainability and describes the problems in the global food system, together with possible solutions. Modules 2 and 3 explain how food value chains can be made more sustainable and analyse the role of food in the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Interested? The eLearning course is available online: https://www.gof-summerschool.org/elearning/.

Designing Sustainable food systems - eLearning Promotion

Table of content:

Understanding sustainability and food systems
Lesson 1: Sustainability
Lesson 2: The global food system: Target state
Lesson 3: The global food system: Current state
Lesson 4: Towards a more sustainable food system

Basics of sustainable food value chain design
Lesson 1: Value creation in the food chain
Lesson 2: Sustainable food value chains

Food systems and the Agenda 2030
Lesson 1: From the Millennium Development Goals to the 2030 Agenda
Lesson 2: The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Lesson 3: SDGs and sustainable food value chains

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