Digital Citizenship Parent Resources

This annotated list is intended to provide teachers or school leaders links to resources that can be used to support parents in helping their children to become good digital citizens.  The resources listed are considered free to use but are not necessarily openly licensed materials unless otherwise noted.

Comprehensive List of Digital Citizenship Resources for Parents

Be Internet Awesome Educator Resources

Resources for educators to use in conjunction with Google's Be Internet Awesome games for students.

Children's Digital Citizenship Contract

Kids' Pledge of a Family Digital Citizenship contract from SafeKids.Com

Common Sense Media Site for Parents 

This website focuses on parents' frequently asked questions regarding technology, including appropriate limits on screen time, and may be narrowed by age band.

Connect Safely

This blog provides tips and resources for parents and families on current social media trends and games.


Games, activities and hands-on learning opportunities for parents to explore with their children to learn about digital citizenship and social media

Family Media Guidelines

From the American Academy of Pediatrics, this online tool helps you create personalized media and screentime guidelines for your family.

Family Toolkit from CommonSenseMedia

This toolkit includes resources to help families discuss and utilize digital resources, including tablets and phones.  It includes definitions to digital terms, family quizzes and activity sheets, and contracts for childrens' use of tablets and phones. The toolkit also helps parent organizations plan events about digital citizenship.

Google Safety Center

Find resources for protecting your privacy online.

Media Smarts

Games, articles, and information for parents on parenting in the digital age.

Net Family News

A blog for parents that keeps them informed and aware of current trends in social media, virtual gaming, and other technology issues.

Parent Blog from iKeepSafe

Information, including statistics and talking points, for parents on introducing digital citizenship with their children.

Parent Resources from Netsmartz

From the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, this website provides parents with videos and information on technology trends, such as gaming, cyberbullying, and email, that affect today's children.

Parenting, Media and Everything in Between

This blog from CommonSenseMedia covers app and website reviews, information on new trends in technology, and problems that might arise while using technology to help keep parents and families informed.

StaySafeOnline: Raising Digital Citizens

This site from the National Cyber Security Alliance provides tips and resources for helping to raise responsible digital citizens and discussing online behavior with your children.

The Talk

This article from CommonSenseMedia gives tips and guidelines for having "the talk" regarding technology and digital citizenship with your children.


Using the "choose your own adventure" aspect of YouTube video editing, ThinkB4U offers interactive videos to educate viewers about things like protecting online reputations, avoiding scams, research and critical thinking, and responsible text messaging.

Top Lists from CommonSenseMedia

These lists from CommonSenseMedia help you review apps, movies, television shows, websites, books and more to determine whether or not they are appropriate for your children.

You're Being Watched 

Infographics that describe your cyber security

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