Open Mathematics PLC Protocols

How to find evidence of instructional material preparation:

  • Read the unit overview, table of contents, and/or lesson purpose
    • What are the “big ideas” for the unit?
  • Review learning goals and/or targets (and success criteria, if available) for each lesson
  • Examine lesson exit tickets/cool downs 
    • How are those “big ideas” developed? What models are being used? 

What are the big ideas of each problem on the assessment?

Which lesson(s) address these big ideas for the problems on which you’ve worked?

How do the instructional materials prepare students to address the problems on which you’ve worked? (Go back and complete the right side of the table) 

As a group, share out the progression of the big ideas and how they build from lesson to lesson

Create a “map” of the unit from each of the groups 

Based on above exploration and discussion, how will this inform lesson choice

As a team, identify a math task/lesson/activity to have the PLC engage with in the next stage of the cycle 

What is a new idea for us?

Which of these big ideas was approached in a different manner than we had first anticipated?

Where do we think our students will have the most misconceptions?

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