Concept Checks for Human Biology

1.    Distinguish between atoms and elements.




2.    Describe the atom's structure in terms of the mass, charge, and location of each subatomic particle. In addition, describe how to determine the number of each particle using the Periodic Table. (Hint: Make a 5 column by 3 row table. Label the columns: Particle, Mass, Charge, Location, and Determining Number. Under Particle in the first column put the names of the 3 subatomic particles.)










3.    Below is a single cell from the Periodic Table.  Label each number and symbol with the correct terms and define what those terms mean.

A single cell of the Periodic Table for Bromine
bromine_cell.pngA single cell of the Periodic Table for Bromine

A single cell of the Periodic Table for Bromine


4.    Define the terms electrostatic attraction and repulsion. Name 3 reasons why these forces are important.








5.    Represent the atoms below using a Bohr model and an electron dot diagram.

The words carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
Untitled.pngThe words carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen

The words carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen







6.    Define the term isotope. Summarize how isotopes are used in medicine and biological research.





7.    Summarize the basic structure of the Periodic Table. (Think rows and columns.)








8.    Describe the octet rule. 







9.    Why is this rule important?





10. What is a chemical formula?  In your answer, give an example and describe what the "letters" and numbers mean.




11. Distinguish between ionic and covalent bonds.








12. Describe how knowing the column (group) number is a "cheat code" for determining the number and types of bonds that an element can form.




13. Use Bohr and Lewis Dot Diagrams to represent the covalently bound molecules below. 

The words Water, Methane, and Silane
covalent_copy.pngThe words Water, Methane, and Silane

The words Water, Methane, and Silane








14. Use Bohr and Lewis Dot Diagrams to represent the ionic compounds below.

The words Lithium Chloride and Calcium Oxide
ionic.pngThe words Lithium Chloride and Calcium Oxide

The words Lithium Chloride and Calcium Oxide







15. How are living things related to atoms and molecules?





16. Define what we mean by polar and non-polar molecules.






17. How are hydrogen bonds different from ionic and covalent bonds?




18. Why is water so important for living organisms?  List the “special” properties of water.










19. Explain the role of hydrogen bonds in the properties of water.







20. Diagram the pH scale.  Include the numbers associated with acidic, neutral, and basic pH.







21. Describe the relationship between hydrogen ions, hydroxide ions, and pH.







22. Why are buffers important in biological systems? (You'll need to describe what a buffer is to answer the question completely.)



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