
Title Bat House STEM challenge

Time Frame: 7 sessions

Stage 1 - Desired Results

Big Idea(s)
  1. Students will construct a model prototype of a bat house.
  2. Students will gather, analyze and draw conclusions based upon data collection.
  3. Students will present information establishing the need for bat conservation.
PA Core Standards / Next Generation Science Standards
T & E EducationScience EducationMathematics EducationComputer ScienceCEW
3.1.4.C1 Identify different characteristics of plants and animals that help some populations survive and reproduce in greater numbers. Describe how environmental changes can cause extinction in plants and animals3.1.4.C2 Describe plant and animal adaptations that are important to survival.3.1.4.A2 Describe the different resources that plants and animals need to live.3.1.4.A5 Describe common functions living things share to help them function in a specific environment.3.1.4.B2 Recognize that reproduction is necessary for the continuation of life.3.7.4.EIdentify basic computercommunications systems.•Apply a web browser.•Use on-line searches to answer age-appropriate questions.4.1.4.A Explain how living things are dependent upon other living things for survival.Explain what happens to an organism when its food supply, access to water, shelter or space(niche/habitat) is changed.4.5.4.D Explain how specific adaptations can help organisms survive in their environment.4.1.4.E. Explain that ecosystems change over time due to natural and/or human influences.4.5.4.C Describe how human activities affect the environment.CC.2.2.4.A.1 Represent and solve problems involving the four operations.CC.2.4.A.1 Solve problems involving measurement and conversions from a larger unit to a smaller unit.CC.2.4.4.A.2 Translate information from one type of data display to another.1B-DA-07Organize and present collected data visually to highlight relationships and support a claim. Explain the importance of workingcooperatively with others at bothhome and school to complete a task. Identify effective group interaction strategies, such as, but not limited to:-Building consensus-Communicating effectively-Establish ground rules-Listen to others.

Essential Questions
  • How can humans help the dwindling bat populations thrive?

Students Will KnowStudents Will Be Doing
  • Content specific vocab
  • Roost
  • Endangered Species
  • Habitat
  • Threatened Species
  • Pollinator
  • Conservation
  • Prototype
  • White Nose syndrome
  • Steps of design process
  • Define a problem
  • Generate ideas
  • Select a solution and test it
  • Make the item
  • Evaluate the item
  • Communicate the solution with others
  • Present the results
NGSS Science & Engineering Practices
  • Asking Questions and Defining Problems
  • Developing and Using Models
  • Planning and Carrying Out Investigations
  • Analyzing and Interpreting Data
  • Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking
  • Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions
  • Engaging in Argument from Evidence
  • Obtaining, Evaluating and Communicating Information

Stage 2 - Evidence of Understanding

        Assessments (Formative and Summative):Performance Task(s)
  • Informal Formative Assessments throughout project:
                 Classroom discussion                 Teacher Observation                  Daily group conferences                  Daily journal reflections                  Informal Checklist
  • Formal assessments on:
                 Note taking/Research Rubric                 Engineering Process Guide                 Blueprint checklist
  • Individual Course Summative Assessments
  • Completed model and presentation rubric
  • Final Reflection
  • Identifying and describing endangered and threatened species of Pennsylvania.
  • Watch,discuss and gather information about bat populations across Pennsylvania.
  • Identify need for human intervention with bat populations across Pennsylvania.
  • Draw and label blueprints of bat house model using a scale drawing.
  • Plan, design and build a model bat house
  • Present models and findings for helping bat populations across Pennsylvania.

Stage 3 - Lesson Learning Targets

Learning Activities: Learning targets are written from the students perspective. I can…
  • Identify how humans impact endangered and threatened species.
  • Research how humans can help endangered and threatened bat species.
  • List/Tell specific criteria for building a bat house.
  • Describe details that help establish successful bat houses.
  • Plan, design, and construct a model bat house.
These should lead up to answering the Essential Question(s).
  • Make basic inferences and logical predictions from data/observations
  • Solve routine math problems or measurements applying multiple concepts
  • Translate between tables, graphs, words and symbolic notation
  • Construct models given criteria
  • Organize or order data
  • Compare and contrast figures or data
  • Select appropriate graph and organize & display data
  • Generate conjectures or hypotheses based on observation or prior knowledge and experience
  • Explain, generalize or connect ideas using supportive evidence
  • Explain thinking when more than one response is possible
  • Use and show reasoning, planning and evidence
  • Compare  information within or across data sets
  • Analyze and draw conclusions from data
  • Analyze similarities and differences between procedures and solutions
  • Select or devise approaches among many alternatives to solve a problem


  • Bat House Calendar  - daily guide of activities/resources
  • “Endangered” board game      
  • Zipping, Zapping,Zooming Bats, by Ann Earle, illustrated by Henry Cole. Houghton Mifflin Edition, 1999.
  • PA Game Commission Race to Save Pennsylvania Bats a WQED production
  • Presentation of bat house model
  • Student/Teacher note taking assessment rubric
  • Project Rubric
  • Final Reflection
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