The Argumentative Research Project: Writing the thesis and introduction - Remix4

Time: 15 Minutes

·         Explain to students that the purpose of the lesson is to learn how to write an effective thesis statement in a persuasive essay.

·         Show that in order to communicate convincingly in the real world, writers need to state and explain their point of view in any writing.

·         Give examples of real-world use of thesis statements: political view, ethical view, propaganda, laws, editorials, etc. 

·         Explain to students that in persuasive writing, one seeks to persuade the reader of the writer’s point of view.

·         Point out that, to do this, a writer is required to take a stand on an issue by clearly stating this stand. This is the thesis statement.

Thesis Statements
thesis.PNGThesis Statements

Discussion or Writing Assignment:Playing the Devil's Advocate

Watch: Thesis Statements for Research Papers

Assignment: Write the Four Types of Thesis Statements

Class Discussion:  As a class discuss the difference between the 4 types of thesis. Select one that you prefer using. 


Resource: Outline Organization Handout

Watch: Research Paper Outlining Instruction


Download: Thesis_and_Outline_Assignment_lPO5xRN.docx

Watch: Building Depth and Adding Detail

Assignment: Building Depth and Adding Detail

Watch:MLA Formatting and Writing Style Guidelines

Resource: Using Quotations In MLA Format

MLA Citation Worksheet: 

Download: Works_Cited_and_In-Text_Citation_Worksheet.pdf

* Correct and discuss as a group after completion. 


Watch:Introduction Instruction

Watch: Writing the Conclusion

Assignment:"Stranger Than Fiction Introduction Discussion

** We will discuss as a class--no need to tweet

Resource: How to Write a Catchy Title

Resource: Use exemplars from previous year students.

Assignment:Write your Title, Introduction, Detailed Outline, Conclusion, and Works Cited

Complete and Evaluate Your Draft of the Research Paper 

Review: Tips for Avoiding Common Mistakes in Writing (Video)

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