United States Symbols STEM Challenge

1. Divide students into small groups. (Ideally 2-3 students, but use your discretion.)

2. Explain the task and review elements of the rubric with students. 

 Say, "Boys and girls, you have learned a lot about the symbols that represent our country. Today, your challenge is to use what you have learned to create a new symbol that represents the United States. As a team, you need to use the materials given to create your symbol. As you are designing, please consider the following questions:

1. How does your color choice represent the United States?

2. Besides color, what elements did you include to symbolize the United States?

3. Where would your symbol be displayed and why?

4. Does your symbol reflect an American value? Which one? (bravery, liberty, freedom, valor, equality, etc.)

3. Give team an allotted amount of time to plan their symbol. 

4. Give teams an allotted amount of time to create their symbol.  

5. When time is up, allow students to do a "museum walk" to admire other teams' work. 

Download: United_States_STEM_Challenge_directions.pdf

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