Website of Community Outreach

To get a project of this scale started will take a motivated individual or several individuals.  Before anything concrete can be started these individuals have to be found and commit to the process before anything else can be done.  The force behind our project so far has been Dan Smith, the Supervisor of Technology Integration, and Jim Christie, Honors Modern World History teacher.  They worked together to bring this program from a cross-curricular in class project, to being a website designed to reach out to the Community by honoring Veterans.  Our Project Co-Founders work to supervise the student editors in their responsibilities (See Step 6) and look for opportunities to showcase the project to a larger audience.  The Co-Founders have arranged for this project to be presented or discussed at ABC Create Regional Conferences, the 2019 PETE & C Conference in Hershey, Pennsylvania, and at the 2018 Model Schools Conference in Orlando, Florida.  They additionally own the responsibility of expanding the project beyond our district's geographic borders.  In the image are co-founders Dan Smith and Jim Christie; but this project spans across several departments in the high school, multiple buildings in our district, into our local community, and is reaching out across other local school district who hope to replicate our project.

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