Interactive Outdoor School Journal (view)

Units included with this Open Author resource:

Unit 1: How to use this book:
Introduction, Expectations, Rules, Community Guidelines, Science, Rockets, Buoyancy, Canoeing, Math, Everyday Math
Unit 2: Preparing for Outdoor School
Learning goals:
Students will understand the expectations while attending outdoor school.
Expectations, Rules, Community Guidelines
Unit 3: Behavior at Outdoor School
Learning goals:
Students will know how they are expected to act while at outdoor school.
Expectations, Rules, Community Guidelines
Unit 4: Science Journaling at Outdoor School
Learning goals:
Students will gain some prior knowledge of some of the areas of study for outdoor school.
Expectations, Rules, Community Guidelines, Science, Rockets, Buoyancy, Canoeing, Math, Everyday Math
CCSS.Math.Practice.MP.1, NGSS.5.LS2.1
Unit 5: After Outdoor School
Learning goals:
Students will be able to synthesize data and information collected while participating in outdoor school.
Expectations, Rules, Community Guidelines, Science, Rockets, Buoyancy, Canoeing, Math, Everyday Math


This resource will primarily be used prior to going to outdoor school for a 5th grade class. Though some of the resources might seem like a stretch for that age range it allows for some differentiation for those students that are looking to expand their knowledge base. In addition, this journal covers some basic rules and guidelines for living within a group of people which is why we include some dining etiquette.