Coin Identification and Counting

Objective: Students will be able to identify basic coins through a sorting activity and count basic coins.

Materials: Coin dice, coins, trays with dividers

Grades: K-2



1. Explain that today we will be working on coin identification.

2. To get us thinking about money and how much the coins are worth we are going to watch a brief clip on coins and their worth.

3. Watch: Coin Song

2. Divide the class into 4-5 groups of 5-6 students.

3. Demonstrate the first part of the activity on a projector or overhead.

4. Display the tray on the screen, point out that within the tray sections there are pictures of the heads side and tails side of each coin.

5. Take a bag of basic coins and dump it's contents out.

6. Choose a random coin and group it with the similar coins on the tray.  Repeat this activity until all coins are in their appropriate place.

7. Hand out materials and allow students time to complete this activity, as you circulate.

8. Next, display a tray that all the coins have been sorted within.  Display a dice with pictures of the coins on it. 

9.   Explain to the students they will roll the dice and see what coin comes up on the dice.  Students will then take the coin they rolled out of the tray.  Explain to students that they will have 3 minutes to roll the dice.  

10.When all the coins have been removed from the tray after rolling the dice.  Students can count the amount they have removed from the tray.  The student with the highest amount is the winner.

11.  This is a coin template you can use for the lesson.

Download: CoindiceFREEBIE_alFsFlB.pdf

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