
Digital Portfolio Platform


Sentence Starters

To help students create meaningful statements they are required to use 3 sentence starts that reflect back to the  Habit of Mind, which is what is used for grading criteria.  

Sentence Starters for Artist’s Statements:

Use 3 sentence starters to create your statement.  You can also create your own. Make sure that your completed sentence has a MEANING and flows with the others you picked.  

Develop Craft:

  • I improved my ……………. technique by...
  • I was very careful when……
  • My work shows craftsmanship because….

Engage & Persist:

  • What helped me stay focused was…
  • The hardest part was…
  • I solved a difficult problem by….


  • My plan for my project was…
  • I imagined that…
  • My plan A didn’t work, so my plan B was…


  • My work demonstrates my feelings by....
  • One thing that is unique about my work is…
  • The work expresses my interests and passions by…


  • I haven’t noticed before that….
  • A really nice detail is….
  • I practiced looking closely by…


  • As I reflect on my work, I think about...
  • One thing I would have done differently is…
  • One reason this is a strong piece of work is…

Stretch & Explore:

  • I tried something new when…
  • Something surprising that happened was
  • My mistakes helped me to ….

Understanding Art World:

  • I was influenced by exploring the art of…
  • My classmates helped me realize that…
  • I collaborated well with others when I...

Meaningful Critique

Students are also asked to reflect upon other student's work. They are required to respond to 2 others, having meaningful content. (No "I like it because you used blue and blue is my favorite.")

Rubric Criteria

Points are awarded for completion of both upload artist's statement (with picture of work) and comments on works of others.  

Artist Statement  (3pts per meaningful reflective statement based on studio habits)/9

Response (3pts per meaningful response to a peer’s artwork)/6

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