Remaking Classics

There has been a recent trend in remaking classics. Take a look at some of the most popular  adaptations so far. Now, while I recommend reading the original texts, some of the modern adaptations are easier to read. We will look into the differences and similarities between the adaptions. What are some other classics that have been given an update? Which book would you like to see redone? 

Jane Austen

Jane Austen
Jane_Austen_3.jpgJane Austen

Jane Austen

Jane Austen's novels have a countless number of movies, mini-series, web series, and novels. Take a look at some of the adaptations.  We have several different options to choose but we will focus on Pride and Prejudice.

What was changed?

Pride and Prejudice

There has been a lot of remakes and adaptations of this novel, but we are going to focus on 4 adaptations: the 1995 mini-series, the 2005 movie, the web series The Lizzie Bennett Diaries, and Pride, Prejudice, and Zombies. 

The 1995 mini-series follows the closest to the book. The actors and actresses are wearing correct clothing for the time period and there is a focus on being as authentic as possible. The director also focuses on sticking close to the text. 

With the 2005 adaptation, there is more of a focus on aesthetics. The dresses are not as authentic and the mannerisms are not as appropriate. However, the audience can see that the family seems more like a real family with real problems. 

The Lizzie Bennet Diaries  is a modern adaptation that puts Lizzie and Darcy in the 21st century. Instead of Lizzie being a poor country girl, Lizzie is a grad student with a lot of student loan debt and Darcy is a rich CEO of a communication company. While this adaptation follows the plot line the least, the modern adaptation and the method of distribution makes the series more accessible for a modern audience. 

Lastly, the movie Pride, Prejudice, and Zombies does an okay job of following the text, keeps the setting in Regency England, but it shows a different side to the Bennet sisters. This adaption adds zombies, fighting, and female empowerment to the classic.

L.M. Montgomery

The two adaptations I will be focusing on with L.M. Montgomery is the 1985 Anne of Green Gables series and the Anne with and E series on Netflix.

What was changed?

The 1985 adaptation follows close to the book. While the actress, Megan Follows, plays her role really well, it is not as believable for her to be a "ugly" orphan Anne. This series also plays more into the nostalgia, whimsical Anne that is more central to the books. 

Anne and Gilbert
yes.gifAnne and Gilbert

Anne and Gilbert

The Netflix series differs from the book in the second episode. This series delves into deeper subjects, (trauma, abuse, neglect, bullying), and does not shy away from them. They are able to portray the PTSD that Anne likely has in a way that was believable.

Anne with an E
v1.dDsyNTM5OTU7ajsxNzk4NjsxMjAwOzQwNTA7NjAwMA.jpegAnne with an E

Anne with an E

1995 Pride and Prejudice trailer[2]

Pride, Prejudice, and Zombies Trailer[3]

2005 Pride and Prejudice "Barely Tolerable"[4]

The Lizzie Bennet Diaries episode 1[5]

 Anne of Green Gables 1985[6]

Anne with an E trailer[7]

Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. New York: Barnes and Noble Inc. , 2006. Print.
007, British Secret Agent. “Pride and Prejudice (1995) Trailer (1080p).” YouTube, YouTube, 7 July 2015,
Trailers, Movieclips. “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies Official Trailer #1 (2016) - Lily James Horror Movie HD.” YouTube, YouTube, 22 Oct. 2015,
Donda, Julianny Favinha. “‘Barely Tolerable’ Pride and Prejudice Scene.” YouTube, YouTube, 29 June 2017,
The Lizzie Bennet Diaries. Prod. Hank Green. Dir. Bernie Su. Perf. Ashley Clements, Daniel Vincent Gordh, Julia Cho, Laura Spencer, and Mary Kate Wilkes . N.p., n.d. Web.
Entertainment, Sullivan. “Anne of Green Gables (Official HD Trailer).” YouTube, YouTube, 12 Jan. 2011,
Netflix. “Anne | Official Trailer [HD] | Netflix.” YouTube, YouTube, 4 Apr. 2017,
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