Personalized TABATA Workout

Lesson Topic:

TABATA Creation

Lesson Description:

Students will use the knowledge of TABATA from previous workouts to create their own workout. Students will utilize their own workout for a 20 minute exercise session, monitoring their heart rate to analyze the effectiveness of their workout.

Learning Goals/Outcomes:

Students will create and participate in a High Intensity 20 minute Tabata session.

Students will use their knowledge of high intensity exercises to select appropriate exercises for their own Tabata workout and analyze the effectiveness of their exercises by monitoring their heart rate. 

Nebraska Standards:

PE.HS.  Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.

PE.HS.1.1.b Demonstrates proficiency in multiple skills in a variety of health-related activities (e.g., running, core exercises, yoga, resistance training). 

PE.HS.9.1.b Executes multiple techniques in a variety of resistance training activities.

PE.HS.8.1.a Performs multiple skills in a variety of different aerobic activities. 

PE.HS.8.1.b Demonstrates the correct technique associated with a variety of different activities within aerobic training.

PE.HS. Applies knowledge of concepts, principles, tactics, and strategies related to movement and performance to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.

PE.HS.1.2.i Identifies types of strength exercises (e.g., isometric, concentric, eccentric) for personal fitness development (e.g., strength, endurance, range of motion).

PE.HS.1.2.k Calculates target heart rate and applies that information to personal fitness.

PE.HS.  Recognizes the benefits of physical activity and exhibits responsible personal and social behavior in a variety of physical activity settings. 

PE.HS.1.3.f Chooses an appropriate level of challenge to experience success and desire to participate in self-selected physical activity. 

PE.HS.1.3.g Selects and participates in physical activities that meet the need for self-expression and enjoyment

PE.HS.8.3.c Selects and performs multiple aerobic activities which provide enjoyment

Teacher Planning:

Equipment/Materials Needed:

Jump Ropes, Plyoboxes, Med balls, Mat, Battle Ropes, Or other equipment you have that may be useful for student choice activities. 

Tabata Activity fill in sheet and pencil for each student (See below)

Tabata Timer & optional music

Heart Rate monitors or stopwatch for taking heart rate.

Time Required for Lesson:

Warm-up: 4 minutes

Directions and creation time: 10 minutes

Workout: 20 minutes

Closure: 5 minutes


Technology Use:

_____ YES               __x___NO

Instructional Plan:

Anticipatory Set/Pre-Activity:

Prior to this lesson, students have participated in 3 "Tabata Tuesday" fitness days, where they performed Tabata as a whole group, then Tabata through teacher created stations. They have been monitoring heart rate and know the appropriate zone to be in during exercise.

Benefits/Explanation/Real-World Connection:

Students will be able to create and practice their own High Intensity Work-out. This enables them to personalize their workout with exercises they enjoy or those that meet personal fitness goals. By allowing students some choices, it increases their engagement. They will do this using minimal equipment and would be able to replicate this type of exercise outside of school, leading to increased confidence and competence to be physically active. 

Activities (i.e. instructions, warm-up, lesson, cool-down):

Warm-UpRunning Dice (from PE Kansas Lesson Plans)

In each corner of the gym is posted an exercise with a number.

o   Corner 1:        10 Jumping Jacks

o   Corner 2:        10 Push-ups

o   Corner 3:        10 Crunchers

o   Corner 4:        10 Step ‘n Punch

·         The students start jogging around the gym to music.

·         When the music stops, the students must find the nearest exercise corner.  The teacher then tosses the dice.

·         If a 1 is tossed - only the students in corner 1 do 10 jumping jacks.  If a 2 is tossed – only those students in corner 2 do 10 pus- ups, etc.  If a 5 is tossed – all corners exercise, and if a 6 is tossed- the Teacher does 10 Jumping Jacks.

·         Begin jogging immediately after exercise is completed.

Activity:  Each student should have a "Personalized Tabata Worksheet" and a pencil. Today we are going to change up our Tabata workout! Remember that Tabata is a series of 8 High Intensity Exercise periods followed by a rest period. You will create your own workout by choosing 8 high intensity exercises and writing them on the paper. Then, you will do your routine for our 20 minute session. 

During the minute rest break of each round we will take our heart rate and write it down on the paper.

Students should take 3-5 minutes writing down their exercises. When all are ready to start, have students go to appropriate place, setting their pencil and paper down by wall and get ready to begin. Teacher will start Tabata timer and music. While students are exercising, teacher will circulate and provide positive encouragement and feedback. During the minute break, prompt students to record their heart rate. 

Cool Down:  During the one minute rest period at the end of round 4 students will walk and cool down until the music stops. 

At the completion of the Tabata Routine and cool down, you will fill in the reflection. 


Tell the person next to you what your favorite exercise was during your workout? 

What things would you change in order to do this activity at home?

Rate your level of enjoyment of today's activity by placing your plicker in the appropriate column on your way out the door. (Columns 1-5 - 5 being LOVED IT) (*alternative have students show you or tell you their number on the way out.)

Assessment :

Formative Assessment

During the Tabata workout while providing encouragement and feedback, watch the students performance of exercises. Do they have correct form? Anything techniques to fix in later classes? 

Summative assessment

Looking over the students exercise program, did they apply correct knowledge of high intensity exercises to all 8 intervals?

Did the student exhibit an understanding of the zone their heart rate should have been in? Was their reflection accurate?

Supplemental Information:


Students self select appropriate activities. 

Safety Precautions:

Make sure students have enough space for safe exercises with the equipment provided. 

Comments (adaptations for various grades/ages, teaching styles, etc.)

Students could complete this activity in pairs.  You could use a day researching exercises and planning, then having students take turns leading the class for one round. 


Student creation worksheet
Personalized_TABATA_workout_2XelGjF.pngStudent creation worksheet

TABATA activity fill in sheet

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