Speak Up! It is your life! - Remix
Persuasive idea
Persuasive idea is to convince, to stimulate and to move the audience in to action
Research the job
Learn about the place of work
Preview your skills and experience relevant to the job.
The introduction should be about your skills, experiences related to the job that gets the attention
The specific purpose should have the general purpose, the audience and the objective
Target audience are people you are aim to pursue . They maybe the HR personal, the Department supervisor, and people who are currently doing the work. Tying the audience in some way can make them agree with you. Analyzing the audience and predicting their behavior will help persuade them in a positive direction. Understanding the audience and their need is important to convince them. Knowing their needs and job requirements before hand helps tailor the presentation. the Anticipate potential negative response and be ready to negotiate positively . Do not lie to the audience. Know illegal interview questions and be ready with the positive answers.
Articulate in a confident voice is important.
Words like, establish, suggest, Must, have to, how ever,, intention crucial elaborate can be used when presenting an idea or self. It
Is important that vocabulary boosts distinctiveness
In an interview one needs to pursue the audience to consider giving them a chance. So here the learner will use him self and his skills as a subject matter of his persuasion.
key Points for the Interview
One needs to know some of the illlegal questions that can be asked. examples are
Illegal questions in the interview
Are you a US. Citizen?
Answer: I am authorized to work in the USA
How will you handle children ?
Possible answer: I have nothing in my personal life that would prevent me from working
Visual Aid
A resume.
Cover Letter,
Reference letter
and a portfolio of work samples
example- List of creative recopies
Models of the cars worked
Thesis statement
Your thesis statement should contain your skills, experience and problem solving skills
The structure should be one or two sentences.
Example: My strong fluency in Spanish and English along with my cooking skills would be an asset to the restaurant.
Organizing ideas to present
Your speculation means influence, modify, reinforce the listener’s attitude to change their behavior.
Claim and prove method is used to prove the usefulness of the proposition.
example; showing the skill and how it can solve the employer's problem
Problem /solution method demonstrates an existing problem and show solutions
This organization skill needs some extra research on the employer and identify their problems. this will also help the employee to see how one can fit in the job.
Motivated sequence to show the problem and ask the listener to take action to solve the problem
In this method the employee needs to persue the employer with his skill set to hire him
Criteria satisfaction is a step by step proving method for a proposition
Understanding the employer needs is really helpful to make them act
Supporting evidence
Persuasive topics always need a supporting evidence. To gather the supporting evidence one need to do the research. While doing a research one need to have the list of options, a consistent method of creating notes, a way to add mention the resources for the evidence.
For a job interview, recommendation letters can be considered as a supporting evidence. Researching about the job or the company also be a great supporting evidence.
List opposing points
For a persuasion to succeed in an interview a need has to be fulfilled. The speaker should analyze these needs before the interview. At the interview you hold the interviewer's attention to demonstrate their need and your solution. Give an idea of your solutions so the interviewer can visualize the solution. Persuade the audience to reach for the solution by using your skills.