Speak Up! It is your life! REMIX
The adults who have 6th and 7th-grade literacy levels have more experience compare to a child in that grade. So the lesson plan has to reflect their life experiences. The learners are developing their public speaking skills in small groups or discussions. To build their skill they have to be exposed to different kinds of materials. Using the given materials they will develop their vocabulary and grammar. They will analyze the evidence in the material and learn to distinguish facts from opinion. They will be able to form their own opinion based on the facts. Once they form the opinion they need to present the information with supporting evidence in small groups and one on one discussions
Apply negotiating vocabulary.
Identify the main idea in a conversation.
Evaluate information being delivered.
Evaluate the point of view, reasons and evidence of given information provided by others.
Identify reasons and evidence from what others say to support their interpretation.
Defend their understanding of the given subject matter with evidence
Select their own social issue to orally present and discuss
Form the main idea for their topic
Pick a point of view for their presentation
Gather supporting evidence for their evidence
Present the selected social issue information with supporting evidence
Discuss a given social subject with grammatically correct professional English