Body & Mind Academy

The objective of the Body & Mind Academy project is to create a program of the yearlong course supporting physical, social and intellectual activation of people 55+.

This program is directed to the professionals working with seniors and contains guide, web application and videos.

Guide for the trainer

The Guide for the Body & Mind Academy trainer (BMA) includes:

  • Information on the specifics of physical, intellectual and social activation of people 55+;
  • Ways to motivate self-development;
  • Instructions on how to create your own Academy;
  • Program of the yearlong stationary classes.

In the MIND part the trainer will find:

  • 20 scenarios of classes divided into two parts;
  • Description of ideal learning conditions;
  • Tips on how to conduct classes.

In the BODY section, the trainer will find:

  • Movement activation plan;
  • Fitness test;
  • Information on the specifics of working with a senior in a fitness class room;
  • Tips on how to conduct classes;
  • Exercises database for class scenarios;
  • 19 scenarios.

Web application

The application complements the yearlong stationary course of Body & Mind Academy and Guide content. Its main task is to provide a set of homework for class participants. They will find tasks on physical, intellectual and social activity there.

Application Functionalities:

  • creating a new Body & Mind Academy (own course with ready content);
  • adding / removing trainers conducting stationary classes;
  • adding / removing BMA participants;
  • matching a set of homework to the individual needs of each BMA participant;
  • creating and checking attendance list for stationary classes;
  • checking the activity and progress of individual BMA participants;
  • sending messages to individual participants or to the whole group;
  • calendar of stationary classes and other BMA events;
  • inspiration for daily activities by displaying "Ideas of the day" and tasks to be carried out;
  • gamification - organization of competition between participants based on the results of their activity.

To start using the application, one must register as an Academy Coordinator. Each application is verified by the System Administrator and usually within 24-48 hours the login password is sent to the e-mail address provided during registration.

Access to the web application here


Video tutorials are primarily a help for a trainer preparing for classes. One will find there not only specific exercises and choreographies, but also tips related to the specifics of working with seniors.

The videos are available online (without registration), so they can also be an auxiliary material for the participants of the Academy. Once they master exercises proposed by the trainer in the class, they will be able to repeat them at home, using ready-made video recordings.

Videos Content:

  • Video 0 is a preliminary movement functionality test. It should be carried out before the beginning of the course, to diagnose physical condition of each participant.
  • Videos 1-4 present various types of physical activities: stretching techniques, pilates, Body Ball and tubing exercises.
  • Videos 5-8 are devoted to dance classes: latino, ballet, disco, musical.

Please, find out videos on YT channel

Download: GUIDE-BODY-MIND-EN.pdf

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