MMS Technology
Lesson Abstract
This lesson provides context for why we are studying technology and engineering at MMS. This lesson is the springboard for the remainder of a quarter-long technology education course for 7th and 8th graders. Classes are inclusive of all learners. One 50-minute class period is dedicated to this lesson. During the quarter, students meet 3-4 times per week for a total of 35 class periods. Coursework is centered around Pitsco learning modules, and is rigid in terms of lesson design. Each student will complete 3 of the various modules during the quarter. The goal of this initial lesson is to provide an overview of the concept of technology, gain a sense of what student's understand technology to be, and then to have them build a small structure using specific materials.
Lesson Themes
The goal is to challenge students to question the meaning and importance of technology. Technology is something used to solve problems and make lives easier, and is not relegated exclusively to the world of electronics.
Essential Questions
- What is technology and why is it important to learn about it?
- How has technology solved problems and made our lives easier over time?
- What are some things that can, or cannot, be considered technology?
Standards Addressed
Practice/process standards from the NH science standards that address scientific inquiry:
S:SPS3:8:3.1 Design a product or solution to a problem.
S:SPS3:8:3.3 Evaluate student-designed products according to established criteria and recommend improvements or modifications.
Content standards from the NH Technology/Engineering Education Curriculum Guide:
F1: Trace the evolution of technological systems and processes
G1: Evaluate technological systems and their impact on people, the environment, culture, and the economy
Common Core Anchor Standards
Citing textual evidence
- CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RST.6-8.1: Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts
- CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RST.11-12.1 Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts, attending to important distinctions the author makes and to any gaps or inconsistencies in the account.
Determining central ideas or conclusions
- CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RST.6-8.2 Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; provide an accurate summary of the text distinct from prior knowledge or opinions.
- CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RST.9-10.2 Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; trace the text's explanation or depiction of a complex process, phenomenon, or concept; provide an accurate summary of the text.
- CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RST.11-12.2 Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; summarize complex concepts, processes, or information presented in a text by paraphrasing them in simpler but still accurate terms.
Learning Objectives
- Students will gain an understanding of how technology solves problems and makes our lives easier through a combination of video and text-based resources.
- Students will be able to design and build a portable tower that supports a ping pong ball at least 12 inches from the surface of their desk using limited resources.
Text Set
Anchor Text
Title of Anchor Text: What is Technology? by Tony Montez
Supporting Texts
STEM Subject | Title of Supporting Text | URL of Supporting Texts |
Technology | Why is Technology So Important Today? | |
Technology | Nature of Technology | |
Technology | History of Technology | |
Organized Text Set
Text Sequence for Lesson / Unit | Learning Objectives |
Students will be able to identify examples of technology. They will understand that technology solves problems and makes our lives easier. |
Students will understand the purpose of technology in all aspects of society. | |
Students will have a more in-depth look into technology and some factors that influence it. (For more advanced students) |
Student Tasks
What is the central idea of the video, "What is technology?"
Questions from the article, "Why is Technology So Important Today?" -
- Cite examples that the author has provided to support his belief that the world is smaller and life is faster because of technology.
- According to the author, what role does technology play in the foods that we consume?
- According to the author, why do we, "owe our luxurious lives to technology?"
- How has technology changed communication in the world?
- What is the author's view on the role of computers in education?
- How does automation play a role in technology?
- What is the central idea of this article?
- What other factors may influence technology?
Questions from the article, "The Nature of Technology." -
- How is technology dependent upon science?
- How does the "human presence" the author refers to impact or interact with technology?
- What is the central idea of this article?
- What other factors may influence technology?
Ping Pong Tower:
The purpose of this activity is to simulate an experience of solving a problem (building a tall tower that can hold a ping-pong ball) using a design and build process. This gives the students an idea of what it is like to create a technological solution to a problem. Using common objects, students are asked to create a tower meeting certain specifications. Limiting the resources for the students is important because it simulates budget and resource constraints faced by engineers at any high tech company. Teams of engineers are never given an unlimited budget and the bottom line is always profit. Students must apply background knowledge they have of the properties possessed by the various objects, and create a new structure based on those properties.
- Meeting building specifications: 12" high; portable, support ping pong ball
- Using all materials: index card, 2 bridge sticks, 12" tape, 2 elastic bands and a ping pong ball
- Ability to identify and demonstrate knowledge of technology
- What is technology (fast-write) before, during and after.
- Text-dependent questions on article, "Why is Technology So Important Today?"
Ping Pong Tower:
Using common, and seemingly unrelated objects, students are asked to create a tower meeting certain specifications. Students must apply background knowledge they have of the properties possessed by the various objects, and create a new structure based on those properties.
- Meeting building specifications: 12" high; portable, support ping pong ball
- Using all materials: index card, 2 bridge sticks, 12" tape, 2 elastic bands and a ping pong ball
Questions regarding the tower:
- Did you use any form(s) of technology in building your tower? If so, what?
- Are there any components of your tower that could be considered technology? How did they make building the tower easier?
- Are there any real-world parallels you can think of?
Rubric for the tower:
0 - No participation in activity
1 - Tower is a portable structure that does not measure 12 inches or support a ping pong ball.
2 - Tower is portable and either supports a ping pong ball or measures 12 inches tall.
3 - Tower is portable, supports a ping pong ball, and measures 12 inches tall.
4 - Tower is portable, supports a ping pong ball, and measures more than 12 inches tall.
The tower project encourages students to think creatively by using common, yet seemingly unrelated objects, to create an end product: a tower capable of supporting a ping pong ball.. It requires students to problem solve and to identify the qualities in each of the objects that could be used in the construction process, and use them to meet the above specifications. Are there any of the components to their structure that could be considered a technology? Did they use any types of technology in the construction process?
Pre-Requisite Learning
Every 7th and 8th grader in the school takes this class. Academically, socially, and emotionally it is a heterogeneous mix of students. We are not able to require any prerequisite skills. This lesson is a basic overview of technology. Ideally, students will be able to:
- Read and write
- Measure
- Follow basic directions
- Communicate with peers
There is no prerequisite for this class. Classes are grouped heterogeneously and are assigned randomly according to interest within the class. All students in 7th and 8th grade will rotate through for one quarter during the school year. They will meet three to four times, weekly, for 50 minutes per class.
Brainstorm ideas on what technology means/is using a 5-minute technology "fast write." This encourages students to quickly jot down anything and everything they can relating to technology in a short span of time. Results are then shared amongst students and staff to determine the level of background knowledge on the topic. This activity will be repeated both independently and as part of a larger group throughout the quarter.
It is important for students to know that "technology" extends beyond computers and electronics and can be something as simple as a lever, or tool provided it in some way solves a problem. The goal of the pre-assessment it to get students thinking about what technology is and how it impacts them directly.
Organized Instructional Activities
- Brainstorm activity - groups of 3-4 students discuss and answer the question, "What is technology?" They will list their ideas on paper. Each team will pool their results to the rest of the class on large poster. (10 minutes)
- View "What is technology?" video (2 minutes).
- As a class, re-examine posted results from brainstorm. Compare/contrast. (5 minutes)
- Tower activity - teams of 2 students.The goal for the students is to design and build a portable tower that is at least 12 inches high and holds a ping pong ball. The ball must be able to be removed and replaced readily. Students may use 1 index card, 2 balsa bridge sticks, 12 inches of tape, and 2 elastic bands to construct the tower. Scissors and a measuring tape may be used as tools only. A ping pong ball will be provided to each team. Once they have accomplished this goal, students can continue on and try to build the tallest tower possible that still meets the same requirements. Used up materials will be replenished/exchanged, but students may not use more than the original list of materials. (40 minutes)
Read article, "Why is Technology So Important Today?" and answer questions. This will be an ongoing activity that students will work on when they have completed their daily module work over the following weeks. For those students needing a more challenging read, they may read the selection "The Nature of Technology" and answer the questions.
Modules - students will be assigned to a technology module based on the results of their interest surveys. 2 students will be assigned to each module. Topics include rocketry, flight, biotechnology, CADD, electricity, bridges, engines, forces, plumbing, robotics, computer graphics, design, and alternative energy. Each module contains hands-on activities, information, and assessments on these technologies. Students complete 2-3 rotations during the quarter in technology education. At the end of each rotation, students will answer the following questions about the technology that they studied:
- What problem does it solve?
- How does it make life easier for people?