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Youth Climate Action (Climate Heroes #2)
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
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SYNOPSIS: In this lesson, students discover, share, and evaluate what young people around the globe are doing to address climate change and utilize this information as the basis for a portrait.

SCIENTIST NOTES: This lesson plan includes information about youth climate activists and their motivation and actions for addressing climate change around the world. The video is short, focuses on the activists' individual motivation behind taking climate action, and introduces the idea of climate justice. The information presented in the provided articles links to information and other news articles where needed. The profiles on the climate activists may get outdated over time but are still useful for the lesson. This resource is recommended for teaching.

-Students are introduced to a diverse range of global youth climate leaders.
-Students learn that climate activism includes environmental justice.
-Students begin to identify ways that they, as young people, have agency in the fight against climate change and climate inequities.
-Students learn how to use a global issue as the source of their subsequent artwork.

-This is lesson 2 of 3 in our 9th-12th grade Climate Heroes unit.
-This lesson should follow a basic introduction to climate change science, exploration of global and local impacts, and climate change solutions.
-Students should know how to access and navigate Padlet.
-Students should know how to work on Google Slides or a similar format.

-Students can complete the projects individually or in groups.
-The Padlet exploration can be done as a whole class or as independent work. For students who need support working independently, teachers can assign them three youth activists to explore.
-If students have trouble selecting one activist, they can pick the person who is closest in age to them.
-Students can choose to go outside of the Padlet for information, but they should use the C.R.A.A.P. test for determining the validity of their source. A video explaining the test is linked in the Padlet.

Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Carolyn McGrath
Date Added: