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Oregon Science Project - Phenomena & Equity (Team Condon)
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0.0 stars

The Oregon Science Project Module #1 is designed for K-12 and nonformal educators who want to learn more about NGSS, with an emphasis on how the shift to sense-making around phenomena is at the heart of the NGSS. It is designed to provide 3-4 hours of work and asks learners to create something new to contribute to the work.

Material Type:
Sarah Carlson
Cristina Trecha
Date Added:
Organic Chemistry I
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This subject deals primarily with the basic principles to understand the structure and reactivity of organic molecules. Emphasis is on substitution and elimination reactions and chemistry of the carbonyl group. The course also provides an introduction to the chemistry of aromatic compounds.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Berkowski, Kimberly
O’Connor, Sarah
Date Added:
Organic Chemistry I
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

5.12 is an introduction to organic chemistry, focusing primarily on the basic principles to understand the structure and reactivity of organic molecules. Emphasis is on substitution and elimination reactions and chemistry of the carbonyl group. The course also provides an introduction to the chemistry of aromatic compounds.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Imperiali, Barbara
Tabacco, Sarah
Date Added:
Organic Chemistry II
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0.0 stars

This intermediate organic chemistry course focuses on the methods used to identify the structure of organic molecules, advanced principles of organic stereochemistry, organic reaction mechanisms, and methods used for the synthesis of organic compounds. Additional special topics include illustrating the role of organic chemistry in biology, medicine, and industry.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Jamison, Timothy
Tabacco, Sarah
Date Added:
An Outline History of East Asia to 1200
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0.0 stars

This is the second edition of the open access textbook that arose out of a course at the University of California, San Diego, called HILD 10: East Asia: The Great Tradition. The course covers what have become two Chinas, Japan, and two Koreas from roughly 1200 BC to about AD 1200. As we say every Fall in HILD 10: “2400 years, three countries, ten weeks, no problem.” The book does not stand alone: the teacher should assign primary and secondary sources, study questions, dates to be memorized, etc. The maps mostly use the same template to enable students to compare them one to the next.

The 1st edition is in the supplemental material tab.

World History
Material Type:
Sarah Schneewind
Date Added:
Overview of: Healthcare Compliance
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0.0 stars

Table of Contents
Introduction to Healthcare Compliance
Ethics and Law
Health Insurance & Reimbursement
Quality Improvement
Strategic Planning
Managing Healthcare Professionals & Strategic Management of Human Resources
Healthcare Technology
Special Topics and Emerging Issues in Healthcare Management

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
University of North Georgia Press
Larecia Money Gill
Laura Kim Gosa
Lesley Clack
Sarah Godwin Brinson
Date Added:
"Overweight" Bodies, Real and Imagined
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This compilation gathers OER sources on body weight, nutrition, and movement, and it also problematizes the cultural meaning of these readings. Roughly, this anthology is divided into two parts--informational and theoretical--in depicting how medical research and journalism influence and are influenced by social stereotypes, constructed ideas about bodies, food, and individual choices within social systems.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Remixing Open Textbooks through an Equity Lens (ROTEL) Project
Sarah Gilleman
Date Added:
Oxygen Cycle
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

This video depicts the cyclic movement of oxygen through the spheres of life. It involves the major reactions responsible for the consumption and regeneration of oxygen in the environment. 

Environmental Science
Material Type:
Sarah Sayed
Date Added:
Parent Involvement
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This is an inquiry project done to research different strategies to increase parent involvement and their benefits, as well as a look into some stereotypes that can have a negative effect on a child's educational jouney at home. 

Material Type:
Lecture Notes
Kendall Dodson
Sarah Durden
Valerie Ramos
Juma Nijimbere
Date Added:
Pathology Case Study: A 1-day old male with pallor
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0.0 stars

(This case study was added to OER Commons as one of a batch of over 700. It has relevant information which may include medical imagery, lab results, and history where relevant. A link to the final diagnosis can be found at the end of the case study for review. The first paragraph of the case study -- typically, but not always the clinical presentation -- is provided below.)

A 1-day old male was found to have pallor after birth. He was the product of an uneventful pregnancy and normal birth. He had no overt congenital anomalies/stigmata.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Life Science
Material Type:
Case Study
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Provider Set:
Department of Pathology
Sarah Gibson
Stacey Barron
Date Added:
Pathology Case Study: A 2-year-old boy with  hemolytic uremic syndrome and pneumocephalus
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0.0 stars

(This case study was added to OER Commons as one of a batch of over 700. It has relevant information which may include medical imagery, lab results, and history where relevant. A link to the final diagnosis can be found at the end of the case study for review. The first paragraph of the case study -- typically, but not always the clinical presentation -- is provided below.)

A previously healthy 2-year-old boy presented with one to two days of anuria and bloody diarrhea. He was admitted to the local children's hospital with a diagnosis of hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), presumably secondary to E. coli O157 but never confirmed. Laboratory studies revealed hemolysis, renal failure and thrombocytopenia. Eleven hours after admission, his blood oxygen saturations worsened and he was intubated. He was then noted to have fixed and dilated pupils. A head CT was performed, which revealed left frontal subcortical white matter vasogenic edema with left frontal gyral hyperdensity, as well as scattered pockets of pneumocephalus (Figure 1). Pneumocephalus without evidence of a calvarial fracture raised concern for an infectious process. Left-to-right midline shift with effacement of the cisterns and left uncal herniation were also observed. Neurosurgical consultation advised that no intervention was possible. The patient became bradycardic and required resuscitation, which unfortunately was not successful. He expired 14 hours after being admitted to the hospital. Ante-mortem bacterial blood cultures were positive.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Life Science
Material Type:
Case Study
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Provider Set:
Department of Pathology
Dean A. Hawley
Eyas M. Hattab
Jose M. Bonnin
Phillip Faught
Sarah E. Martin
Steven D. Allen
Date Added:
Pathology Case Study: A 33-year Old Male with Five Years of Neck Pain
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0.0 stars

(This case study was added to OER Commons as one of a batch of over 700. It has relevant information which may include medical imagery, lab results, and history where relevant. A link to the final diagnosis can be found at the end of the case study for review. The first paragraph of the case study -- typically, but not always the clinical presentation -- is provided below.)

A 33-year-old male patient reported on head and neck pain radiating into the left maxilla, that had already persisted for 5 years presented in the clinic, as he experienced an acute neuralgic pain provoked by physical activity (VAS 8/10 points) as a new symptom. MRI showed a left-sided hypointense, polyglobulated tumor in the left cerebello-pontine angle, with irregular contrast enhancement and hypointensity on T1 and T2 images (Figs. 1a, 1b, 1c). The tumor exerted pressure on the medulla oblongata, resulting in perifocal edema. By cranial CT (Fig. 1d) the tumor had a strong hyperdense signal. The patient complained of no other neurological deficits. The tumor was extirpated microneurosurgically using electro-physiological monitoring via retromastoidal approach and semisitting position of the patient. Since the lesion was adjacent to the brain stem, a thin layer was left (intraoperative pictures of the tumor: Figs. 1e, 1f). Postoperatively, the patient sustained a new facial and glossopharyngeal palsy, which considerably improved at 3 months' follow-up.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Life Science
Material Type:
Case Study
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Provider Set:
Department of Pathology
Johannes van de Nes
Neriman Oezkan
Sarah Teuber-Hanselman
Sophia Goerike
Susann Hetze
Ulrich Sure
Date Added:
Pathology Case Study: A 41-year-old woman with  von Hippel-Lindau and a cerebellar lesion
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0.0 stars

(This case study was added to OER Commons as one of a batch of over 700. It has relevant information which may include medical imagery, lab results, and history where relevant. A link to the final diagnosis can be found at the end of the case study for review. The first paragraph of the case study -- typically, but not always the clinical presentation -- is provided below.)

In 1995, at the age of 29, a woman presented with headache and visual disturbances. She was found to have a capillary hemangioblastoma of the brainstem, which was then resected and pathologically confirmed. The diagnosis of von Hippel-Lindau disease was suspected at this time. One year later, she presented with worsening headache, nausea, vertigo, photophobia, and episodes of unresponsiveness. CT and MRI revealed a 4 cm mass in the right cerebellar hemisphere with effacement and displacement of the fourth ventricle. A VP shunt was placed semi-emergently, and two days later she underwent a second craniotomy for tumor resection. The diagnosis of hemangioblastoma was once again confirmed. In 2004, follow-up MRI of the brain and spine revealed multiple brainstem and cervical and thoracic cord lesions consistent with hemangioblastomas. An abdominal scan showed cystic kidneys with bilateral enhancing heterogeneous renal masses, suspicious for malignancy, as well as multiple pancreatic cysts and a paraaortic nodule of possible left adrenal origin; however a bone scan was normal. It is unclear whether or not the patient was treated for the presumed renal cell carcinoma at this time. In 2007, the then 41-year-old patient presented with a three-day history of falls and disequilibrium, progressive quadriparesis and difficulty swallowing. An MRI of the brain was performed. Axial T2 (Figure 1) and contrast enhanced T1-weighted (Figure 2) images showed a partially cystic (thick arrow) enhancing cerebellar mass, dorsal to the fourth ventricle. Extensive T2 hyperintensity was present in the pons, medulla (thin arrows) and middle cerebellar peduncles. Sagittal unenhanced (Figure 3) and contrast enhanced (Figure 4) T1-weighted images showed a markedly enhancing (black arrowhead) solid mass inferior to the fourth ventricle. Nodular leptomeningeal enhancement on the anterior surface of the pons was consistent with a leptomeningeal tumor. The patient underwent a posterior fossa craniotomy with gross total resection of the mass in April 2007.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Life Science
Material Type:
Case Study
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Provider Set:
Department of Pathology
Annette C. Douglas-Akinwande
Eyas M. Hattab
Michael S. Turner
Sarah E. Martin
Sohaib M. Al-Khatib
Date Added:
Pathology Case Study: A 61-year-old woman with osteomalacia and a thoracic spine lesion
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Some Rights Reserved
0.0 stars

(This case study was added to OER Commons as one of a batch of over 700. It has relevant information which may include medical imagery, lab results, and history where relevant. A link to the final diagnosis can be found at the end of the case study for review. The first paragraph of the case study -- typically, but not always the clinical presentation -- is provided below.)

A 55-year-old woman presented with bilateral hip and rib pain. A chest radiograph revealed multiple bilateral rib fractures with callus formation. Insufficiency fractures of the right superior and inferior pubic rami and ischium and possibly of the sacrum were noted on hip and pelvic radiographs, and a subsequent MRI showed avascular necrosis of the left femoral head. Laboratory studies demonstrating hypophosphatemia, in combination with the patient's clinical presentation of osteomalacia, prompted further investigation for the underlying cause.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Life Science
Material Type:
Case Study
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Provider Set:
Department of Pathology
Ann E. Marshall
Annette C. Douglas-Akinwande
Eric M. Horn
Eyas M. Hattab
Jey-Hsin Chen
Narasimhan P. Agaram
Sarah E. Martin
Date Added:
Pathology Case Study: A 63 year-old male with confusion and fluent aphasia
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0.0 stars

(This case study was added to OER Commons as one of a batch of over 700. It has relevant information which may include medical imagery, lab results, and history where relevant. A link to the final diagnosis can be found at the end of the case study for review. The first paragraph of the case study -- typically, but not always the clinical presentation -- is provided below.)

The patient is a 63 year-old retired Navy veteran with a history of diabetes mellitus type II who presented to an outside hospital with mental status changes. He suffered clinical deterioration during the first 24 hours of his stay and was referred to our hospital in consideration of possible acute stroke. Presenting symptoms included fluent aphasia, confusion, and speaking gibberish. He also related a recent history of chronic cough, sputum production, and a 15 pound weight loss. As part of his initial stroke evaluation, he underwent CT angiography of the head and neck. This study was remarkable for pulmonary findings consistent with a large apical cavitary lesion (Figure 1). A high resolution chest CT without contrast was then performed, confirming a large cavitary lesion in the right upper lobe with a relatively thin wall (Figure 2). Sputum was collected for Acid Fast Bacilli (AFB) culture. In addition, a lumbar puncture was performed to collect cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) for analysis, AFB culture, and nucleic acid amplification of M. tuberculosis via PCR. Results of both sputum and CSF specimens are listed in the Microbiology and Laboratory sections.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Life Science
Material Type:
Case Study
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Provider Set:
Department of Pathology
A. William Pasculle
Sarah Harm
Date Added:
Pathology Case Study: A 67 year old female with  a distal pancreatic mass
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0.0 stars

(This case study was added to OER Commons as one of a batch of over 700. It has relevant information which may include medical imagery, lab results, and history where relevant. A link to the final diagnosis can be found at the end of the case study for review. The first paragraph of the case study -- typically, but not always the clinical presentation -- is provided below.)

A 67 year old female presented with left upper quadrant abdominal pain. She had a strong family history of non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. Amylase, lipase, CA19-9, total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, and liver enzymes were within normal limits. Abdominal computed tomography (CT) imaging showed a hypodense, hypoenhancing 3.2 x 2.6 cm lesion in the body/tail of the pancreas. The mass encased the splenic artery but did not involve any other major vessels. There was no abdominal lymphadenopathy. She underwent an endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) with fine-needle aspiration (FNA) of the lesion. EUS demonstrated a focal mass encasing the splenic artery. Cytology was suspicious for malignancy. Given the presence of a mass, pain, and suspicious cytology, she underwent surgical exploration and removal of this lesion.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Life Science
Material Type:
Case Study
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Provider Set:
Department of Pathology
Alyssa M Krasinskas
Sarah K Harm
Date Added:
Pathology Case Study: A Female with Chief Complaints of Fever, Productive Cough, Night Sweats and Weight Loss
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Some Rights Reserved
0.0 stars

(This case study was added to OER Commons as one of a batch of over 700. It has relevant information which may include medical imagery, lab results, and history where relevant. A link to the final diagnosis can be found at the end of the case study for review. The first paragraph of the case study -- typically, but not always the clinical presentation -- is provided below.)

A 25-30 year old female from Central Africa presented to the emergency department with chief complaints of fever, productive cough, night sweats and weight loss in the last 2 months. She also had two episodes of hemoptysis. There was no peripheral lymphadenopathy on examination. Patient had no known tuberculosis contacts. Patient gave a history of volunteering and visiting hospitals on weekends in her country of origin. She did not have any history of high-risk behavior or sexually transmitted diseases. She recalled being tested for Human Immunodeificiency Virus (HIV) in the past few years and was found to be negative. Patient's total leukocyte count was within normal reference range for the days of stay in the hospital, with low lymphocytes (Table 1).

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Life Science
Material Type:
Case Study
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Provider Set:
Department of Pathology
Davsheen Bedi
Sarah Wheeler
Date Added: