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  • CCSS.Math.Practice.MP.6 - Attend to precision. Mathematically proficient students try to communi...
  • CCSS.Math.Practice.MP.6 - Attend to precision. Mathematically proficient students try to communi...
Módulo 3 de grado 5: Adición y resta de fracciones
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(Nota: Esta es una traducción de un recurso educativo abierto creado por el Departamento de Educación del Estado de Nueva York (NYSED) como parte del proyecto "EngageNY" en 2013. Aunque el recurso real fue traducido por personas, la siguiente descripción se tradujo del inglés original usando Google Translate para ayudar a los usuarios potenciales a decidir si se adapta a sus necesidades y puede contener errores gramaticales o lingüísticos. La descripción original en inglés también se proporciona a continuación.)

En el módulo 3, la comprensión de los estudiantes de la adición y la resta de las fracciones se extiende desde el trabajo anterior con equivalencia de fracción y decimales. Este módulo marca un cambio significativo lejos de la centralidad de los grados elementales de las diez unidades de base al estudio y el uso del conjunto completo de unidades fraccionarias desde el avance de grado 5, especialmente como se aplica al álgebra.

Encuentre el resto de los recursos matemáticos de Engageny en https://archive.org/details/engageny-mathematics.

English Description:
In Module 3, students' understanding of addition and subtraction of fractions extends from earlier work with fraction equivalence and decimals. This module marks a significant shift away from the elementary grades' centrality of base ten units to the study and use of the full set of fractional units from Grade 5 forward, especially as applied to algebra.

Find the rest of the EngageNY Mathematics resources at https://archive.org/details/engageny-mathematics.

Ratios and Proportions
Material Type:
New York State Education Department
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Módulo de grado 2 3: valor en el lugar, conteo y comparación de números con 1,000
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0.0 stars

(Nota: Esta es una traducción de un recurso educativo abierto creado por el Departamento de Educación del Estado de Nueva York (NYSED) como parte del proyecto "EngageNY" en 2013. Aunque el recurso real fue traducido por personas, la siguiente descripción se tradujo del inglés original usando Google Translate para ayudar a los usuarios potenciales a decidir si se adapta a sus necesidades y puede contener errores gramaticales o lingüísticos. La descripción original en inglés también se proporciona a continuación.)

En este módulo de 25 días de grado 2, los estudiantes amplían su habilidad y comprensión de las unidades agrupando, decenas y cientos de hasta mil con pajitas. A diferencia de la longitud de 10 centímetros en el módulo 2, estos paquetes son conjuntos discretos. Una unidad puede ser agarrada y contada como un plátano? 1cientos, cientos, 3cientos, etc. Un número en el Grado 1 generalmente consistía en dos unidades, decenas y otras diferentes. Ahora, en el grado 2, un número generalmente consta de tres unidades: cientos, decenas y otras. Las unidades agrupadas se organizan separándolas más grandes a más pequeñas, ordenadas de izquierda a derecha. En el transcurso del módulo, la instrucción se mueve de los paquetes físicos que muestran la proporcionalidad de las unidades a discos de valor del lugar no proporción y a los números en la tabla de valor del lugar.

Encuentre el resto de los recursos matemáticos de Engageny en https://archive.org/details/engageny-mathematics.

English Description:
In this 25-day Grade 2 module, students expand their skill with and understanding of units by bundling ones, tens, and hundreds up to a thousand with straws. Unlike the length of 10 centimeters in Module 2, these bundles are discrete sets. One unit can be grabbed and counted just like a banana?1 hundred, 2 hundred, 3 hundred, etc. A number in Grade 1 generally consisted of two different units, tens and ones. Now, in Grade 2, a number generally consists of three units: hundreds, tens, and ones. The bundled units are organized by separating them largest to smallest, ordered from left to right. Over the course of the module, instruction moves from physical bundles that show the proportionality of the units to non-proportional place value disks and to numerals on the place value chart.

Find the rest of the EngageNY Mathematics resources at https://archive.org/details/engageny-mathematics.

Numbers and Operations
Material Type:
New York State Education Department
Provider Set:
Date Added:
Our Invisible Forest: What's in a Drop of Seawater?
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0.0 stars

Take a breath — where does the oxygen you inhaled come from? In our changing world, will we always have enough oxygen? What is in water that supports life? What is known? How do we know what we know about our vast oceans? These are just a few of the driving questions explored in this interactive STEAM high school curriculum module.

Students in marine science, environmental science, physics, chemistry, biology, integrated science, biotechnology and/or STEAM courses can use this curriculum module in order to use real-world, big data to investigate how our “invisible forest” influences ocean and Earth systems. Students build an art project to represent their new understanding and share this with the broader community.

This 4-week set of lessons is based on the oceanographic research of Dr. Anne Thompson of Portland State University in Oregon, which focuses on the abundant ocean phytoplankton Prochlorococcus. These interdisciplinary STEAM lessons were inspired by Dr. Thompson’s lab and fieldwork as well as many beautiful visualizations of Prochlorococcus, the ocean, and Earth. Students learn about the impact and importance of Prochlorococcus as the smallest and most abundant photosynthetic organism on our planet. Through the lessons, students act as both scientists and artists as they explore where breathable oxygen comes from and consider how to communicate the importance of tiny cells to human survival.

This module is written as a phenomenon-based, Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) three-dimensional learning unit. Each of the lessons below also has an integrated, optional Project-Based Learning component that guides students as they complete the PBL process. Students learn to model a system and also design and evaluate questions to investigate phenomena. Students ultimately learn what is in a drop of ocean water and showcase how their drop contributes to our health and the stability and dynamics of global systems.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Material Type:
Amanda Cope
Anne W. Thompson
Baliga Lab
Barbara Steffens
Claudia Ludwig
Emily Borden
Institute for Systems Biology
Jeannine Sieler
Linnea Stavney
Mari Knutson Herbert
Mark Buchli
Michael Walker
Nitin S. Baliga
Portland State University
Uzma Khalil
Date Added:
The Pythagorean Theorem: Square Areas
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0.0 stars

This lesson unit is intended to help teachers assess how well students are able to: use the area of right triangles to deduce the areas of other shapes; use dissection methods for finding areas; organize an investigation systematically and collect data; deduce a generalizable method for finding lengths and areas (The Pythagorean Theorem.)

Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Shell Center for Mathematical Education
Provider Set:
Mathematics Assessment Project (MAP)
Date Added:
Repeating Decimals
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0.0 stars

This lesson unit is intended to help teachers assess how well students are able to: translate between decimal and fraction notation, particularly when the decimals are repeating; create and solve simple linear equations to find the fractional equivalent of a repeating decimal; and understand the effect of multiplying a decimal by a power of 10.

Ratios and Proportions
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Shell Center for Mathematical Education
Provider Set:
Mathematics Assessment Project (MAP)
Date Added:
Using Dimensions: Designing a Sports Bag
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0.0 stars

This lesson unit is intended to help you assess how well students are able to: recognize and use common 2D representations of 3D objects and identify and use the appropriate formula for finding the circumference of a circle.

Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Shell Center for Mathematical Education
Provider Set:
Mathematics Assessment Project (MAP)
Date Added:
Volumes of Complex Solids
Read the Fine Print
Educational Use
0.0 stars

Challenged with a hypothetical engineering work situation in which they need to figure out the volume and surface area of a nuclear power plant’s cooling tower (a hyperbolic shape), students learn to calculate the volume of complex solids that can be classified as solids of revolution or solids with known cross sections. These objects of complex shape defy standard procedures to compute volumes. Even calculus techniques depend on the ability to perform multiple measurements of the objects or find functional descriptions of their edges. During both guided and independent practice, students use (free GeoGebra) geometry software, a photograph of the object, a known dimension of it, a spreadsheet application and integral calculus techniques to calculate the volume of complex shape solids within a margin of error of less than 5%—an approach that can be used to compute the volumes of big or small objects. This activity is suitable for the end of the second semester of AP Calculus classes, serving as a major grade for the last six-week period, with students’ project results presentation grades used as the second semester final test.

Career and Technical Education
Measurement and Data
Material Type:
Miguel R. Ramire
Date Added: