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A call for transparent reporting to optimize the predictive value of preclinical research
0.0 stars

Deficiencies in methods reporting in animal experimentation lead to difficulties in reproducing experiments; the authors propose a set of reporting standards to improve scientific communication and study design. The US National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke convened major stakeholders in June 2012 to discuss how to improve the methodological reporting of animal studies in grant applications and publications. The main workshop recommendation is that at a minimum studies should report on sample-size estimation, whether and how animals were randomized, whether investigators were blind to the treatment, and the handling of data. We recognize that achieving a meaningful improvement in the quality of reporting will require a concerted effort by investigators, reviewers, funding agencies and journal editors. Requiring better reporting of animal studies will raise awareness of the importance of rigorous study design to accelerate scientific progress.

Amelie K. Gubitz
Chris P. Austin
David W. Howells
Dimitri Krainc
Eileen W. Bradley
Ellis Unger
Howard E. Gendelman
Howard Fillit
John D. Porter
John Huguenard
John L. Goudreau
John M. McCall
Kalyani Narasimhan
Katrina Kelner
Khusru Asadullah
Linda J. Noble
Malcolm R. Macleod
Marc Fisher
Michael S. Levine
Oswald Steward
Richard T. Moxley III
Robert A. Gross
Robert B. Darnell
Robert Finkelstein
Robert J. Ferrante
Robert M. Golub
Robi Blumenstein
Ronald G. Crystal
Shai D. Silberberg
Sharon E. Hesterlee
Stanley E. Lazic
Steve Perrin
Story C. Landis
Susan G. Amara
Ursula Utz
Walter Koroshetz
Date Added:
cleanBib - measure gender bias in your citations
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

The goal of the coding notebook is to clean your .bib file to only contain references that you have cited in your manuscript. This cleaned .bib will then be used to generate a data table of full first names that will be used to query the probabilistic gender (Gender API) and race (ethnicolr) classifier. Proportions of the predicted gender for first and last author pairs (man/man, man/woman, woman/man, and woman/woman) will be calculated.

Applied Science
Information Science
Material Type:
Ann Sizemore Blevins
Christopher Camp
Cleanthis Michael
Dale Zhou
Eli Cornblath
Erin Teich
Jeni Stiso
Jordan Dworkin
Kendra Oudyk
Max Bertolero
Date Added:
The geomorphology of home
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Students prepare for this two session lab by reading a lengthy peer-reviewed article (Schmoll et al, 1999) about the Geomorphology of Anchorage. No coaching is provided for this reading assignment, but students have experience reading and discussing such articles from earlier in the course and are expected to write a brief overview of the article (with outstanding questions) prior to class. Major concepts important for understanding the article have already been covered in lecture and/or lab: glacial geology, Quaternary climate, isostasy, and southern Alaska tectonics. In the first (indoor) lab session, students (many of whom are from out of state and are thus not intimately familiar even with the street layout of Anchorage, let alone its geomorphology) are guided by the instructor through an orientation to the Anchorage landscape, relating mapped cultural elements on a street map to topographic features visible on topographic maps and a hillshaded LIDAR map. They are then broken into small groups, each of which is assigned responsibility for identifying and interpreting landscape features associated with a particular section of the Schmoll article (e.g., LGM moraines or coseismic landslides). Mylar overlays allow each group to map the features directly over blown up (poster-size) sections of the LIDAR map. Each group then concludes the first lab section by presenting their results to the larger group with an explanation of pertinent processes and time relations. Each group is then assigned responsibility for preparing for a field presentation for the next week's field trip. Over the next week, small groups, on their own time, locate and visit sites in the field, refine their understanding of the processes that generated these sites through a meeting with the instructor, and coordinate with other small groups to structure a half-day field trip. In addition to presenting their results orally during the trip, each small group prepares a field trip guide for the larger group.
Designed for a geomorphology course
Has minimal/no quantitative component

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Applied Science
Environmental Science
Life Science
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
Michael Loso
Date Added:
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Das elektronische Schulbuch inf-schule wird seit 2008 in sich dynamisch entwickelnden Versionen in Internet angeboten; im Internet-Archiv ist es seit 2009 dokumentiert.
Das Webangebot umfasst zur Zeit etwa 2000 Webseiten.
Das Webangebot www.inf-schule.de versteht sich als elektronisches Schulbuch. Zur Konzeption siehe: https://www.inf-schule.de/infschule/konzeption

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
AG Informatik
Alex Domay
Anna Backes
Anna-Lena Schlachter
Bernd Fröhlich
Boris Briehl
Carsten Jung
Christa Papke
Christoph Oberweis
Christoph Schmidt
Christopher Hardt
Daniel Behr
Daniel Jonietz
Daniel Korz
Daniel Reinhardt
David Brittinger
David Wahl
Dominik Kraft
Dominik Leib
Dominique Ufer
Doris Visser-Wermuth
Eva Kern
Frank Schuck
Gregor Dschung
Gunther Jacobs
Hannes Heusel
Heiko Jochum
Hendrik Rombach
Jens Hubrich Jens Jessl
Johannes Klein
Johannes Merkert
Johannes Schildgen
Joshua Ginkel
Julia Gaa
Julia Müller
Katharina Löwen
Kevin Jösch
Klaus Becker
Klaus Merkert
Laura Witowski
Linda Leger
Manuel Froitzheim
Marco Schneider
Marion Stadtmüller
Martin Jakobs
Matheus Piechaczek
Michael Krauß Markus Rohe
Michael Rappold
Michael Savorić
Michael Schlemmer Matthias Reichel
Michèle Keller-Buttell
Niko Markus
Oliver Schneider
Pascal Deneaux
Patrick Haag
Peter Dauscher
Philippe Nix
Samuel Dietz
Sebastian Kapp
Silke Schneider
Stefan Müller
Stefan Schweickert
Stefan Zimmermann
Stefania Barzan
Sylvio Tabor
Thomas Karp
Thomas Mohr
U. Diewald
Ulrich Strautz
Volker Brustmeier
Wolfgang Mathea
Date Added: