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  • lithographs
Argument of The Chivalry
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

A dramatic portrayal, clearly biased toward the northern point of view, of an incident in Congress which inflamed sectional passions in 1856. The artist recreates the May 22 attack and severe beating of Massachusetts senator Charles Sumner by Representative Preston S. Brooks of South Carolina. Brooks's actions were provoked by Sumner's insulting public remarks against his cousin, Senator Andrew Pickens Butler, and against Illinois senator Stephen A. Douglas, delivered in the Senate two days earlier. The print shows an enraged Brooks (right) standing over the seated Sumner in the Senate chamber, about to land on him a heavy blow of his cane. The unsuspecting Sumner sits writing at his desk. At left is another group. Brooks's fellow South Carolinian Representative Lawrence M. Keitt stands in the center, raising his own cane menacingly to stay possible intervention by the other legislators present. Clearly no help for Sumner is forthcoming. Behind Keitt's back, concealed in his left hand, Keitt holds a pistol. In the foreground are Georgia senator Robert Toombs (far left) and Illinois senator Stephen A. Douglas (hands in pockets) looking vindicated by the event. Behind them elderly Kentucky senator John J. Crittenden is restrained by a fifth, unidentified man. Above the scene is a quote from Henry Ward Beecher's May 31 speech at a Sumner rally in New York, where he proclaimed, "The symbol of the North is the pen; the symbol of the South is the bludgeon." David Tatham attributes the print to the Bufford shop, and suggests that the Library's copy of the print, the only known example, may have been a trial impression, and that the print may not actually have been released. The attribution to Homer was first made by Milton Kaplan.|Probably printed by John H. Bufford, Boston.|Signed with monogram: WH (Winslow Homer).|Title appears as it is written on the item.|Tatham, "Pictorial Responses to the Caning of Senator Sumner," p. 15-16.|Forms part of: American cartoon print filing series (Library of Congress)|Published in: American political prints, 1766-1876 / Bernard F. Reilly. Boston : G.K. Hall, 1991, entry 1856-1.|Exhibited: American Treasures of the Library of Congress.

U.S. History
Material Type:
Primary Source
Library of Congress
Provider Set:
Library of Congress - Cartoons 1766-1876
Date Added:
"As Yet, I Have Found No Difficulty In Standing Upon My Own Platform"
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

A puzzling caricature, probably dealing with Reconstruction under Andrew Johnson's administration. The work is quite crudely drawn. An acrobat, with mustache and sideburns and wearing a jester's cap, holds in each hand a mask, one grinning and one frowning. His legs stretch from the head of Pennsylvania congressman Thaddeus Stevens, who holds a paper labeled "Committee of 15" and is seated on a black man, who crawls on all fours, to the head of an unidentified man (probably Johnson) who holds the U.S. Constitution. The latter's back is turned to the viewer and several geese, some alive and some dead, appear at his feet. Stevens, an abolitionist, was one of the most prominent members of the Joint Committee on Reconstruction, composed of fifteen members of Congress. The fool remarks, "As yet, I have found no difficulty in standing upon my own platform."|Entered according to Act of Congress June 8th 1866.|Title appears as it is written on the item.|Weitenkampf, p. 153.|Forms part of: American cartoon print filing series (Library of Congress)|Published in: American political prints, 1766-1876 / Bernard F. Reilly. Boston : G.K. Hall, 1991, entry 1866-3.

U.S. History
Material Type:
Primary Source
Library of Congress
Provider Set:
Library of Congress - Cartoons 1766-1876
Date Added:
The Assassination of The Sage of Ashland
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

The artist conveys some of the profound disappointment and anger among Henry Clay's many supporters at the nomination of Zachary Taylor at the June 1848 Whig convention in Philadelphia. The convention's act was seen as a betrayal of the elder Whig statesman. In a scene based on act 3, scene 1 of Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar," the artist portrays Clay's opponents as treacherous conspirators stalking the unsuspecting statesman. Clay is pictured seated in the library of his estate at Ashland in Kentucky, reading the New York "Tribune," whose editor Horace Greeley was a Clay stalwart. Ten men with raised daggers prepare to attack him from behind. These include various Whig powers Daniel Webster, editor James Watson Webb, former New York mayor William V. Brady, Pennsylvania congressman David Wilmot, Kentucky senator and former Clay ally John J. Crittenden, and New York state party boss Thurlow Weed. Webster: "How many times shall Caesar bleed in sport" Webb: "Liberty! Freedom! Tyranny is dead!!!" Wilmot: "Go to the Pulpit Brutus" Brady: "And you too Cassius" Crittenden: "Stand fast together, lest some friend of Caesar's Should Chance" Weed: "By the necessity of my Nature, Your Enemy".|Drawn by "W.J.C."|Entered . . . 1848 by H.R. Robinson.|Published by H.R. Robinson 31 Park Row, (Opposite the Park Fountain) N. York.|Title appears as it is written on the item.|Lorant, p. 188.|Weitenkampf, p. 93.|Forms part of: American cartoon print filing series (Library of Congress)|Published in: American political prints, 1766-1876 / Bernard F. Reilly. Boston : G.K. Hall, 1991, entry 1848-22.

U.S. History
Material Type:
Primary Source
Library of Congress
Provider Set:
Library of Congress - Cartoons 1766-1876
Date Added:
At the Front! Every Fit Briton Should Join Our Brave Men at the Front. Enlist Now
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

Poster showing cavalry in battle, with horses reacting to an explosion in the foreground. Poster no. 84. Title from item.

U.S. History
Material Type:
Primary Source
Library of Congress
Provider Set:
Library of Congress - World War I Posters
Date Added:
An August Convention
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

The National Union Convention met in Philadelphia in August 1866 to create a political party that would back President Andrew Johnson's Reconstruction program and to elect a new Congress. Here, the convention is portrayed as a gathering of muzzled dogs, their collars inscribed with state names, who file toward a large doghouse, the "Wigwam." Except for the unwelcome arrival of Copperheads or Peace Democrats Fernando Wood and C. L. Vallandigham, the meeting was surprisingly harmonious even with the participation of representatives from both North and South. Here two dogs, "Massachusetts" and "South Carolina," side by side, lead the pack toward the Wigwam. Wood and Vallandigham are portrayed as cats, each held by the scruff of its neck by guard dogs Edgar Cowan and J. R. Doolittle. At bottom left stands a dog with a brush and a pail marked "N.Y. Times" tied to its tail. In the background "The Dead Dog of The White House," incumbent Andrew Johnson, lies in the road in front of the presidential mansion, which flies from its roof an American flag labeled "My Policy." "My Policy" was Johnson's campaign catchword. The Philadelphia movement ultimately failed, and anti-Johnson Republicans achieved more than a two-thirds majority in both houses of Congress. |Title appears as it is written on the item.|Weitenkampf, p. 154.|Forms part of: American cartoon print filing series (Library of Congress)|Published in: American political prints, 1766-1876 / Bernard F. Reilly. Boston : G.K. Hall, 1991, entry 1866-4.

U.S. History
Material Type:
Primary Source
Library of Congress
Provider Set:
Library of Congress - Cartoons 1766-1876
Date Added:
Australia Has Promised Britain 50,000 More Men; Will You Help Us Keep That Promise
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

Poster shows a kangaroo in front of number 50,000 and in background silhouette of soldiers in battle. Title from item.

U.S. History
Material Type:
Primary Source
Library of Congress
Provider Set:
Library of Congress - World War I Posters
Date Added:
Australia's Imperishable Record ... Australians! the Empire Needs You
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

Poster shows quote from General Sir Ian Hamilton, commander-in-chief of the British Mediterranean Expeditionary Force at Gallipolli; in background, the British flag. Title from item.

U.S. History
Material Type:
Primary Source
Library of Congress
Provider Set:
Library of Congress - World War I Posters
Date Added:
The Available Party Trying To Get Their Villany Endorsed By The Every Man They Have Assasinated
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

Again partisan bitterness, over the perceived Whig betrayal of Henry Clay's hopes for the presidential nomination and over subsequent efforts to obtain Clay's endorsement of Zachary Taylor's candidacy, is vented in this scene. The "available" label is applied in a pejorative sense, suggesting a party whose choice of a candidate was guided not by principles but by public image or popularity. Henry Clay is seated at a desk before three men who present him with a document that reads: "MR. CLAY, we have called on you to humbly request that you will state to your Friends, that you approve of the Philadelphia Convention, and that you Endorse General Taylor as a good Whig." William V. Brady, former mayor of New York City, stands closest to Clay and explains, "Mr. Clay while I was Mayor of the City of New York I used all the Influence I had to have you nominated, you have always been my first choice." Seated in a chair at far right is Senator John J. Crittenden, who urges Brady to tell Clay ". . . that he was our first Choice." Standing next to Brady, holding the endorsement document, is James Watson Webb, publisher of the New York "Courier & Enquirer. " He warns, "hold your tounge [sic] Crittenden you will ruin every thing." Clay responds to their request, "Gentlemen I cannot endorse a note that the drawer himself has not signed," a cunning reference to Taylor's well-known reluctance to specifically commit himself to Whig principles. Portraits of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson hang on the wall behind Clay. |Drawn by "W.J.C."|Entered . . . 1848 by H.R. Robinson.|Published by H.R. Robinson 31, Park Row directly opposite the Park Fountain, adjoining Lovejoys Hotel.|Title appears as it is written on the item.|Weitenkampf, p. 93.|Forms part of: American cartoon print filing series (Library of Congress)|Published in: American political prints, 1766-1876 / Bernard F. Reilly. Boston : G.K. Hall, 1991, entry 1848-23.

U.S. History
Material Type:
Primary Source
Library of Congress
Provider Set:
Library of Congress - Cartoons 1766-1876
Date Added:
Back them Up. Invest in the War Loan
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

Poster showing a mature, prosperous man reaching into his pocket as he watches soldiers and artillery pass by; caption, "My duty." Poster no. 15. W. 5992. 20 M. 7/15. Title from item.

U.S. History
Material Type:
Primary Source
Library of Congress
Provider Set:
Library of Congress - World War I Posters
Date Added:
Bad Form in Dress
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

Poster is text only. Text continues: The National Organising Committee for War Savings appeals against extravagance in women's dress. ... It is essential, not only that money should be saved, but that labour employed in the clothing trades should be set free. Published by the National Organising Committee for War Savings, 18 & 19, Abingdon Street, Westminster, S.W. Poster no. 4. Title from item.

U.S. History
Material Type:
Primary Source
Library of Congress
Provider Set:
Library of Congress - World War I Posters
Date Added:
Bagging The Game
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

The artist predicts a decisive Whig victory in the presidential election of 1848, with Whig candidate Zachary Taylor "bagging" all of the states in an electoral sweep. (Taylor actually carried only fifteen of the thirty states.) A kneeling Taylor (left) gathers fallen pigeons, each bearing a state's name, into a bag. Holding up the New York bird he muses, "My purpose would be suited without this fellow, however I'll take him: the more the merrier for the 4th of March next." Taylor's strength in New York was considered questionable before the election. Standing to the right is Lewis Cass with a musket at his side. Looking over at Taylor, he marvels, "What an all devouring appetite the fellow has: I expect he'll bag me in the bargain!" In the background Martin Van Buren is caught by the seat of his trousers on the nails of a fence. Holding a rooster labeled "Proviso" he cries, "Cass, come and help an old crony won't you!" Peering over from behind the fence is Pennsylvania congressman David Wilmot, author of the Wilmot Proviso, who threatens Van Buren with a switch, "I'll teach you to come ta robbing my barn!" Van Buren and the Barnburner Democrats adopted the proviso, which barred slavery in American territory gained in the Mexican War, as the main plank in their 1848 campaign platform.|Probably drawn by E.F. Durang.|Pubd. by Able [i.e., Peter E. Abel] & Durang. Philada.|Title appears as it is written on the item.|Weitenkampf, p. 97.|Forms part of: American cartoon print filing series (Library of Congress)|Published in: American political prints, 1766-1876 / Bernard F. Reilly. Boston : G.K. Hall, 1991, entry 1848-46.

U.S. History
Material Type:
Primary Source
Library of Congress
Provider Set:
Library of Congress - Cartoons 1766-1876
Date Added:
Balloon Ascension To The Presidential Chair
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

Reflecting Whig preelection confidence in the campaign of 1844, the artist portrays that party's ascendancy over the Democrats in the race for the presidency. Bucholzer uses the metaphor of a hot-air balloon race between Whig candidates Henry Clay and Theodore Frelinghuysen (on the right) and Democratic nominee James K. Polk. The Whigs ascend with ease; Clay waves a flag and Frelinghuysen points toward the "Presidential Chair" which appears at left on a bed of clouds. The Democratic balloon fails to rise for lack of gas and is prodded with a cane by Andrew Jackson. Jackson says, "I'll use my best endeavours to "poke" [i.e., "Polk"] it up. But it's harder work than gaining the battle of New Orleans!" In the balloon's carriage (actually a wooden tub) are Polk, a Loco Foco Democrat (looking upward through a telescope), and a bag of "Mint drops" (symbolizing the hard-money policies pursued by the Democrats). The carriage is supported by party stalwarts Thomas Hart Benton and John C. Calhoun. Polk says: "I think my friends have placed me in a very ridiculous position! They set me up here only to "poke" fun at me." Calhoun warns: "Push hard, Benton, or they'll never get any higher." Benton: "I'm afraid they'll have to throw the mint drops overboard!" From above, Clay offers: "Throw us a line, Polk, and we'll give you a tow!" Meanwhile, in the background a fox with the head of Martin van Buren slinks away saying, "If you had had the wit to put me in there, it would have gone up." He voices his disappointment at not being chosen Democratic nominee.|Entered . . . 1844 by James Baillie.|Lith. & pub. by James Baillie 33 Spruce St. N.Y.|Signed: H. Bucholzer.|The Library has two states of the print, one a proof before title (Landauer Collection; LC-USZ62-90665). The titled impression was deposited for copyright on June 26, 1844. It was followed two weeks later by the same artist's "Bursting the Balloon" (no. 1844-33), a companion piece or sequel.|Title appears as it is written on the item.|Weitenkampf, p. 78.|Forms part of: American cartoon print filing series (Library of Congress)|Published in: American political prints, 1766-1876 / Bernard F. Reilly. Boston : G.K. Hall, 1991, entry 1844-32.

U.S. History
Material Type:
Primary Source
Library of Congress
Provider Set:
Library of Congress - Cartoons 1766-1876
Date Added:
Baltimore Convention, Old Tippecanoe, A Patriotic Song
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

An illustrated sheet music cover for a "Patriotic Song. Written, to be sung at Baltimore during the Young Men's Whig Convention" of May 1840. The composer is identified as "a Pennsylvanian." The illustration, like the song itself, celebrates the distinguished military record of Whig presidential candidate William Henry Harrison. A ring of smoke issues from two cannons and frames the central view of a log cabin in the wilderness. Outside the house are a cider barrel, a plough, a covered wagon, and (in the foreground) an ox cart and driver. Superimposed on the smoke ring are nine ovals containing scenes from Harrison's military career. They are (counterclockwise from bottom): Ensign Harrison 19 years of age" "Lieut. Harrison at Maumee Rapids" "Govr. Harrison making a treaty with the Sacke & Fox Indians" "Genl. Harrison hastening at night to the assistance of Genl. Winchester" "Harrison's Victory at the Thames" "Harrison's Victory at Tippecanoe" "Genl. Harrison & his Army going into winter quarters at the Maumee Rapids, in 1812" "Genl.Harrison in 1812 at the Head of 7000 Troops" "Genl. Harrison at the Council of Vincennes with Tecumseh." At the top of the oval is a bust of Harrison flanked by flags, muskets, bayonets, and fasces. Over his head hovers a dove holding a star.|Entered . . . 1840 by Ld. Meignen & Co.|Leopold. Meignen & Co. Publishers & Importers of Music.|On Stone by James Queen.|P.S. Duval, Lith Phila.|The Library's impression of the print is damaged slightly, with a tear running through the log house.|Title appears as it is written on the item.|Published in: American political prints, 1766-1876 / Bernard F. Reilly. Boston : G.K. Hall, 1991, entry 1840-11.

U.S. History
Material Type:
Primary Source
Library of Congress
Provider Set:
Library of Congress - Cartoons 1766-1876
Date Added:
The Baltimoreans Going The Whole Ass Tail and All
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

Caricature of Fanny Elssler, in carriage being drawn by men with ears of jackasses, going to Baltimore.|Signed in stone: HB.|Title appears as it is written on the item.|Forms part of: American cartoon print filing series (Library of Congress)

U.S. History
Material Type:
Primary Source
Library of Congress
Provider Set:
Library of Congress - Cartoons 1766-1876
Date Added:
The Bandits Bride Vide Herald May 5th 1847
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

Lith. & pub. by H.R. Robinson 142 Nassau St. N. York.|Title appears as it is written on the item.|Forms part of: American cartoon print filing series (Library of Congress)

U.S. History
Material Type:
Primary Source
Library of Congress
Provider Set:
Library of Congress - Cartoons 1766-1876
Date Added:
Banish Lonely Hours in Camp! Help Provide Libraries Filled with Books for Soldiers a Million Dollars for a Million Books for a Million Men--Leave Your Money at the Public Library or at Any Bank.
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

Poster is text only. Text continues: The Library War Council - appointed by the War Department through the American Library Association - is raising one million dollars during Camp Library Week, Sept. 24-30, to build and maintain a library at every training camp and cantonment for soldiers, sailors and airmen, at home and abroad. Massachusetts Library War Council. No. 1. Forms part of: Willard and Dorothy Straight Collection.

U.S. History
Material Type:
Primary Source
Library of Congress
Provider Set:
Library of Congress - World War I Posters
Date Added:
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

Text continues: Little Men have made History. Pluck can make up for inches. Remember Nelson and Roberts. Like them you can serve your Country and help Old England in her Hour of Need. So join the Bantam Battalion. Height 5 ft. to 5 ft. 3 ins. Chest expanded 34 ins. Recruiting Office, The Armoury, Stroud. Pasted on verso is newspaper clipping, "Gallant Bantams," by The Daily Chronicle correspondent Philip Gibbs, describing the Bantam Battalion, their history, and their exploits in France. Poster is text only. Title from item.

U.S. History
Material Type:
Primary Source
Library of Congress
Provider Set:
Library of Congress - World War I Posters
Date Added: