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GG Computer Vision Practicals
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The Oxford Visual Geomery Groups Computer Vision Practicals is a collection of MATLAB-based self-contained hands-on lab experiences introducing fundamental concepts in visual recognition, including: extracting and matching local features to identify an object in two images regardless of variations in viewpoint, illumination, and other factors; quantising local features into visual words to index and search a large archive of images efficiently; representing images as statistics of local features for coarse image matching and its application to the recognition of object categories; learning image classifiers discriminatively, and in particular support vector machines; evaluating the performance of a retrieval system. The practicals are briefly described below. You can also review the requirements and installation instructions.

Arts and Humanities
Career and Technical Education
Material Type:
Unit of Study
University of Oxford
"Visual Geometry Group Department of Engineering Science. Summer School
Paris 2013"
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