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General Chemistry 1 (CHEM1010)
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This is a General Chemistry 1 course taught at Sowela Technical Community College. This course utilizes Openstax Chemistry resources with added videos, powerpoint slides, and assessments.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Paula McDonald
Paige Spencer
Date Added:
R for Reproducible Scientific Analysis
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This lesson in part of Software Carpentry workshop and teach novice programmers to write modular code and best practices for using R for data analysis. an introduction to R for non-programmers using gapminder data The goal of this lesson is to teach novice programmers to write modular code and best practices for using R for data analysis. R is commonly used in many scientific disciplines for statistical analysis and its array of third-party packages. We find that many scientists who come to Software Carpentry workshops use R and want to learn more. The emphasis of these materials is to give attendees a strong foundation in the fundamentals of R, and to teach best practices for scientific computing: breaking down analyses into modular units, task automation, and encapsulation. Note that this workshop will focus on teaching the fundamentals of the programming language R, and will not teach statistical analysis. The lesson contains more material than can be taught in a day. The instructor notes page has some suggested lesson plans suitable for a one or half day workshop. A variety of third party packages are used throughout this workshop. These are not necessarily the best, nor are they comprehensive, but they are packages we find useful, and have been chosen primarily for their usability.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Information Science
Measurement and Data
Material Type:
The Carpentries
Adam H. Sparks
Ahsan Ali Khoja
Amy Lee
Ana Costa Conrado
Andrew Boughton
Andrew Lonsdale
Andrew MacDonald
Andris Jankevics
Andy Teucher
Antonio Berlanga-Taylor
Ashwin Srinath
Ben Bolker
Bill Mills
Bret Beheim
Clare Sloggett
Dave Bridges
David J. Harris
David Mawdsley
Dean Attali
Diego Rabatone Oliveira
Drew Tyre
Elise Morrison
Erin Alison Becker
Fernando Mayer
François Michonneau
Giulio Valentino Dalla Riva
Gordon McDonald
Greg Wilson
Harriet Dashnow
Ido Bar
Jaime Ashander
James Balamuta
James Mickley
Jamie McDevitt-Irwin
Jeffrey Arnold
Jeffrey Oliver
John Blischak
Jonah Duckles
Josh Quan
Julia Piaskowski
Kara Woo
Kate Hertweck
Katherine Koziar
Katrin Leinweber
Kellie Ottoboni
Kevin Weitemier
Kiana Ashley West
Kieran Samuk
Kunal Marwaha
Kyriakos Chatzidimitriou
Lachlan Deer
Lex Nederbragt
Liz Ing-Simmons
Lucy Chang
Luke W Johnston
Luke Zappia
Marc Sze
Marie-Helene Burle
Marieke Frassl
Mark Dunning
Martin John Hadley
Mary Donovan
Matt Clark
Melissa Kardish
Mike Jackson
Murray Cadzow
Narayanan Raghupathy
Naupaka Zimmerman
Nelly Sélem
Nicholas Lesniak
Nicholas Potter
Nima Hejazi
Nora Mitchell
Olivia Rata Burge
Paula Andrea Martinez
Pete Bachant
Phil Bouchet
Philipp Boersch-Supan
Piotr Banaszkiewicz
Raniere Silva
Rayna Michelle Harris
Remi Daigle
Research Bazaar
Richard Barnes
Robert Bagchi
Rémi Emonet
Sam Penrose
Sandra Brosda
Sarah Munro
Sasha Lavrentovich
Scott Allen Funkhouser
Scott Ritchie
Sebastien Renaut
Thea Van Rossum
Timothy Eoin Moore
Timothy Rice
Tobin Magle
Trevor Bekolay
Tyler Crawford Kelly
Vicken Hillis
Yuka Takemon
Date Added:
R para Análisis Científicos Reproducibles
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Una introducción a R utilizando los datos de Gapminder. El objetivo de esta lección es enseñar a las programadoras principiantes a escribir códigos modulares y adoptar buenas prácticas en el uso de R para el análisis de datos. R nos provee un conjunto de paquetes desarrollados por terceros que se usan comúnmente en diversas disciplinas científicas para el análisis estadístico. Encontramos que muchos científicos que asisten a los talleres de Software Carpentry utilizan R y quieren aprender más. Nuestros materiales son relevantes ya que proporcionan a los asistentes una base sólida en los fundamentos de R y enseñan las mejores prácticas del cómputo científico: desglose del análisis en módulos, automatización tareas y encapsulamiento. Ten en cuenta que este taller se enfoca en los fundamentos del lenguaje de programación R y no en el análisis estadístico. A lo largo de este taller se utilizan una variedad de paquetes desarrolados por terceros, los cuales no son necesariamente los mejores ni se encuentran explicadas todas sus funcionalidades, pero son paquetes que consideramos útiles y han sido elegidos principalmente por su facilidad de uso.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Information Science
Measurement and Data
Material Type:
The Carpentries
A. s
Alejandra Gonzalez-Beltran
Ana Beatriz Villaseñor Altamirano
Belinda Weaver
Claudia Engel
Cynthia Monastirsky
Daniel Beiter
David Mawdsley
David Pérez-Suárez
Erin Becker
François Michonneau
Gordon McDonald
Guillermina Actis
Guillermo Movia
Hely Salgado
Ido Bar
Ivan Ogasawara
Ivonne Lujano
James J Balamuta
Jamie McDevitt-Irwin
Jeff Oliver
Jonah Duckles
Juan M. Barrios
Katrin Leinweber
Kevin Alquicira
Kevin Martínez-Folgar
Laura Angelone
Leticia Vega
Marcela Alfaro Córdoba
Marceline Abadeer
Maria Florencia D'Andrea
Marie-Helene Burle
Marieke Frassl
Matias Andina
Murray Cadzow
Narayanan Raghupathy
Naupaka Zimmerman
Paola Prieto
Paula Andrea Martinez
Raniere Silva
Rayna M Harris
Richard Barnes
Richard McCosh
Romualdo Zayas-Lagunas
Sandra Brosda
Sasha Lavrentovich
Shirley Alquicira Hernandez
Silvana Pereyra
Tobin Magle
Veronica Jimenez
juli arancio
Date Added: