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The ACAT Method (Analogous Comparison and Transfer Method)
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This is a short description of the ACAT Method.The method uses analogous comparisons by taking examples or situations from everyday life and in consequence the logical or analogous transfer to the scientific problem. The method uses the development of imaginations or “pictures in the head” to develop a view of the analogy; this picture is transferred as a problem-solving idea to the concrete scientific problem. Multimedia material like animations are used to provide a higher level of imagination and to develop the understanding for the discussed problem.

Educational Technology
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Peter Mazohl
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Analysis of “Multimedia and Interactive Tools”
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This document presents the results of the Erasmus+ "InterMedia Project," focusing on the exploration of multimedia and interactivity in the context of education and learning. The first section provides an overview of multimedia, including its definition, origins, evolution, and significance in daily life. The following section delves into the concept of interactivity, defining it and highlighting its different types and importance. The document then explores the added value of multimedia and interactive learning content for learners, training providers, and adult education organizations. It emphasizes the benefits and considerations associated with different age groups of adults. The subsequent section analyses various tools used in the project, such as Animaker, Canva, Exe-learning, HTML Validator, Padlet, the H5P Framework, ThingLink, Powtoon, and W3Schools. Lastly, the document provides information about the project partners, including AJITER, EUPHORIANET, BRAINLOG, and EUROPÄISCHE BILDUNGSINITIATIVE EBI/EIE.

Overall, the Erasmus+ "InterMedia Project" offers valuable insights into the potential of multimedia and interactivity in the field of education.

Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Cristina Ceccarelli
Diyana Todorova
Peter Mazohl
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DISK the Digital Immigrants Survival Toolkit
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The DISK project aims to develop missing digital competencies of adults (Adult Education AE with a special focus on so-called ”digital immigrants” which are people disadvantaged in society due to their lack of digital competencies DC and therefore count to minor educated people in DC) and to enable them to take an active role in the digital society.

The objectives are to create, implement and evaluate 15 modules teaching various specific topics related to everyday life covering DCs as a “Digital Immigrants Survival Kit” (DISK), to use flipped learning 3.0 as the training approach, to create an innovative self-evaluation tool based on competency-based self-evaluation mandalas, to create a transferability and implementation guide, to transfer the results and outcomes in a flexible way in other European countries and finally to publish the modules of the DISK Toolkit as Open Educational Resources (OER).

Material Type:
Alfredo Soeiro
Kylene Deangelis
Michael Filiogiou
Pedro Ferreira
Peter Mazohl
Ebba Ossiannilsson
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Electric circuit - resistance of serial resistors
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VTT-Box, Pilot course produced by European Initiative for Education in the framework of the VTT-Box Project, https://www.vtt-box.eu/project/the-products/pilot-courses/
This course guides upper high school students to the subject of the Electric circuit - resistance of serial resistors with hands-on experience with the virtual lab and self-evaluation.
The pilot courses are a set of tested and well-created Open Online Distance Learning courses based on open, online, flexible and technology enhanced education (OOFAT). These courses are an innovation in Open Online Distance Learning.
Course created by Peter Mazohl

Physical Science
Material Type:
Case Study
Peter Mazohl
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Implementation Guide of Multimedia-based & Interactive Content
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This document serves as an implementation guide for multimedia-based and interactive content, presenting the results of the Erasmus+ "InterMedia Project."
It begins by exploring the concept of multiple devices, including an overview of their features and graphical representation. The devices used in adult education are discussed, along with challenges related to screen size and other identified issues. The document then analyzes the rationale for using interactive and multimedia-based tools in learning and training, categorizing different types of tools.
A comprehensive analysis of possible platforms, such as Masteriyo, LearnPress (Brainlog), Tutor LMS, and LifterLMS (Ajiter), is provided. A summary, recommendation, and comparison table of these platforms are also included. The document proceeds to offer examples and pilots for the implementation of multimedia-based and interactive content, highlighting basic considerations, preconditions, and implementation steps. Additionally, implementation examples and pilot projects are showcased.

Finally, information about the project and its partners, including AJITER, EUPHORIANET, BRAINLOG, and EUROPÄISCHE BILDUNGSINITIATIVE EBI/EIE, is presented. The findings and recommendations from the Erasmus+ "InterMedia Project" provide valuable guidance for implementing multimedia-based and interactive content in educational settings.

Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Cristina Ceccarelli
Diyana Todorova
Martin Savchev
Peter Mazohl
Date Added:
Multiple Devices Report
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This document presents an analysis of the use of multiple devices in the context of multimedia-based learning. The paper includes an empirical study of learners who have used multiple devices to access and engage with learning materials. The study findings reveal that the use of multiple devices can enhance the overall learning experience for learners by providing flexibility, convenience, and accessibility. However, the study also identified several challenges associated with the use of multiple devices, such as technical issues and cognitive overload. Based on the study findings, the paper provides recommendations for the implementation of training courses delivered with multiple devices, including the need for clear guidelines and policies, user-friendly interfaces, and technical support. Overall, this document provides valuable insights for educators and trainers interested in leveraging the potential of multiple devices for enhancing the learning experience.

Material Type:
Case Study
Cristina Ceccarelli
Joana Mendes
Martin Savchev
Peter Mazohl (EBI Austria)
Date Added:
Quantum Duality
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This is a multimedia-based presentation of the Duality of Quantum Objects.
This presentation uses the so-called ACAT method to explain complex content.

The tool Is menue-driven and offers repetition of taught content.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Peter Mazohl (EBI Austria)
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This paper presents an innovative method of learners’ motivation and self-evaluation in the frame of School Education. This method was developed between 2017 and 2018, has been evaluated in a case study in 2018 and has been tested in an international project in Austria, Italy, and Spain in the last twelve months.
Active learning using technology is a common way to achieve good learning outcomes. On the one hand, the pre-knowledge of learners is often unknown. On the other hand, educators should create strict and well-defined descriptions of the taught competences. Finally, the learning success should be evaluated. The self-evaluation mandala is an aid for all these important issues and gives learners the direct feedback – based on the learners’ estimation – of the learning success.
Mandala is a graphic depiction which aims to increase the learners’ control, satisfaction and, ultimately, motivation. It describes the taught competences in terms of knowledge, skills, and attitudes. The depiction or graphical pattern with the competence description enables self-assessment to take place at a regular pace throughout a course. This is done as a formative assessment, to provide “just-in-time feedback” as well as at the end of the course in form of summative assessment.
The self-evaluation mandala forces teachers to create a well-defined description of the taught competence in terms of knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Learners use the mandalas to get informed about their future learning and give a pre-learning feedback of their pre-knowledge before starting their course. Finally, at the end of the course, the learners give feedback about their learning success using the same mandala. The comparison makes their development immediately visible.
The paper explains the idea of the mandalas, their use and implementation in practical teaching. It presents a study of the successful implementation in school education (with students at secondary high school level) from several European countries. This study was performed as a research part in the frame of the ERASMUS+ project “Virtual Teachers’ Toolbox VTT-Box” 2017-1-ES01-KA201-038199 in the years 2018 and 2019.

Educational Technology
Material Type:
Ebba Ossianilson
Michail Kalogiannakis <mkalogian@hotmail.com>
Peter Mazohl
Date Added:
Trainer’s Toolbox – TIBL Project
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Web-based application which supports the trainer in the logical and organisational development of the training.

The tool works interactively – trainers give an input to the system (using interactive forms) and get individually created guidelines, plans, checklists and course creation instructions. The tool will handle requests dealing with the pedagogical framework, the embedded quality enhancement framework, the use of multimedia, and assessment helps. Furthermore, specific sets of checklist can be created, supplying trainers in the creating, performing, and evaluation of the courses.

This Toolbox has been produced as an intellectual output of the TIBL Project (Technical Innovation in Blended Learning), co-funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Commission. Here you will find some useful tools that will help you design, organise and carry out quality blended courses for adult learners on any field. Welcome to the site and enjoy your teaching!

Disclaimer: This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Educational Technology
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Ebba Ossianilson
Luca Reitano
Maria Joao Loureiro
Peter Mazohl
Carlos Guerrero Herrero
Date Added:
Transferability and Evaluation Guide – TIBL-Project
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The transferability and evaluation guide is a supporting document for the target group and stakeholders on how to use and take maximum advantage of the developed and proven courses and the learning materials produced by the project.

It is a set of interactive documents integrating descriptive multimedia material (an enhanced eBook).

The guide supports the correct implementation and evaluation of the training material and tools created. It offers it proposals and guides to transfer the created Blended Learning courses in an efficiently and stringently defined way as well.

This Intellectual Output provides detailed information, description and practical advice on how the created project results can be transferred from the specific countries (or specific pilot test group) to other Educational fields as well to other European countries.
The transfer guide provides all tools and information for effective further use of the project results also for other enterprises and organisations in the field of C-VET. Additional, the transfer guide contains all material and the necessary documentation for a transfer of the training to other educational fields, for example in Adult Education, School Education, and partly to Higher Education.

Educational Technology
Material Type:
Carlos Guerrero Herrero
Ebba Ossianilson
Luca Reitano
Maria Joao Loureiro
Peter Mazohl
Date Added:
WordPress-based Learning Platform
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This document presents the results of the Erasmus+ "InterMedia Project" focused on the development of a WordPress-based learning platform. The document begins by discussing the outcomes of the desktop research conducted during the project, followed by an analysis performed throughout its duration. The criteria for the project team are also outlined.
The evaluation outcomes of various learning management systems (LMS) are then presented, covering Tutor LMS, Masteriyo, Lifter LMS, and LearnPress. A comparison table highlighting their features is provided for reference. The appendix section includes additional information the learning platform itself, and various technical aspects such as WordPress short codes, front-end and back-end development, PHP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
The document concludes with details about the project partners, namely AJITER, EUPHORIANET, BRAINLOG, and EUROPÄISCHE BILDUNGSINITIATIVE EBI/EIE. The outcomes of the Erasmus+ "InterMedia Project" contribute to the understanding and implementation of a WordPress-based learning platform for educational purposes.

Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Cristina Ceccarelli
Diyana Todorova - BrainLog
Peter Mazohl - EBI/EIE
Date Added: