We believe that calculus can be for students what it was for …
We believe that calculus can be for students what it was for Euler and the Bernoullis: a language and a tool for exploring the whole fabric of science. We also believe that much of the mathematical depth and vitality of calculus lies in connections to other sciences. The mathematical questions that arise are compelling in part because the answers matter to other disciplines. We began our work with a "clean slate," not by asking what parts of the traditional course to include or discard. Our starting points are thus our summary of what calculus is really about. Our curricular goals are what we aim to convey about the subject in the course. Our functional goals describe the attitudes and behaviors we hope our students will adopt in using calculus to approach scientific and mathematical questions.
This is a full length textbook explaining copyright for librarians. It has …
This is a full length textbook explaining copyright for librarians. It has a particularly helpful chapter explaining international treaties and the Berne three-step test. The chapter on "creative approaches and alternatives" has a helpful introduction to the Creative Commons as well as Open Access.
It also has helpful case study examples to demonstrate the concepts in an applied manner which really will help students to better understand the content of the textbook.
This lesson is part of Software Carpentry workshops and teach an introduction …
This lesson is part of Software Carpentry workshops and teach an introduction to plotting and programming using python. This lesson is an introduction to programming in Python for people with little or no previous programming experience. It uses plotting as its motivating example, and is designed to be used in both Data Carpentry and Software Carpentry workshops. This lesson references JupyterLab, but can be taught using a regular Python interpreter as well. Please note that this lesson uses Python 3 rather than Python 2.
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