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MTH 256 Supplement to Judson's “The Ordinary Differential Equations Project”
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MTH 256 at Portland Community College includes a variety of differential equations and their solutions, with emphasis on applied problems in engineering and physics. Uses differential equations software. Students communicate results in oral and written form. Graphing and Computer Algebra System (CAS) technology are used, such as Desmos and/or GeoGebra which are available at no cost. This is a one-term introduction to ordinary differential equations with applications. Topics include classification of, and what is meant by the solution of a differential equation, first-order equations for which exact solutions are obtainable, explicit methods of solving higher-order linear differential equations, an introduction to systems of differential equations, and the Laplace transform. Applications of first-order linear differential equations and second-order linear differential equations with constant coefficients will be studied.

With this supplement, we are adding to the work of Thomas Judson's “The Ordinary Differential Equations Project” by providing additional practice problems that mostly focus on applications. We worked with the 2022 edition 2  of The Ordinary Differential Equations Project 3 .

In sections 2.2, 2.4, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4, we utilize the work and ideas of Steven Strogatz in his paper titled “Love Affairs and Differential Equations” 4 , Published in the February 1988 edition of Mathematics Magazine. This paper and several others expanding these ideas can be found by googling “Romeo and Juliet differential equations”.

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Portland Community College
David Froemke
Heiko Spoddeck
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