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Culture and Psychology
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How People Shape and are Shaped by Culture

Short Description:
Culture is one of the most powerful forces in the world. It shapes how we make sense of our world, how we express ourselves and how we understand and relate to others. In this textbook we introduce cultural universals and culturally specific constructs in psychology. This textbook was created for an undergraduate course that appeals to psychology majors and non-majors because it meets several general education and transfer credit requirements.

Long Description:
This textbook was part of a grant supported project that remixed and reused existing OER materials, as well as created new content which emphasized cultural universals and culturally specific constructs in psychology. This textbook was created for an undergraduate course that appeals to psychology majors and non-majors because it meets several general education and transfer credit requirements. Additionally, our materials were aimed at meeting lower division curriculum needs where options for psychology and culture are limited.

Word Count: 80452

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Social Science
Material Type:
Fernando Romero
L D Worthy
Trisha Lavigne
Date Added: