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Daily Departures: Speed Reading Passages for English Language Learners
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Short Description:
For more accessible and classroom-friendly (Word and PDF) versions of this book, please view and download them at PDXScholar. This Pressbook version primarily exists to encourage others to adapt and adopt Daily Departures: Speed Reading Passages for English Language Learners using Pressbooks. This textbook is designed to provide fluency support for English language learners at the Waystage level of the Common European Framework Reference.

Long Description:
Daily Departures: Speed Reading Passages for English Language Learners is a collection of twenty 200-225 word reading passages written primarily within the 1,000-word level of the New General Service List and designed to provide fluency support for English language learners at the Waystage level of the Common European Framework Reference.

Publication of this book was made possible by Portland State University Library PDXOpen Publishing Initiative Grant program.

Word Count: 7642

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Portland State University
Regina D. Weaver
Date Added: