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  • banco
En El Banco: El Banco, Cuenta Corriente vs. Cuenta de Ahorros, y Préstamos
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Students in my Spanish 2 class learn banking terms. However, for many students, it helps to strengthen working knowledge of banking before transferring the terms to our target language.  This project aims to strengthen both background knowledge and Spanish vocabulary, so that students will engage more fully and learn the content with depth. For the project, divide students into 3 groups: Bank, Checking vs. Savings, and Loans. If class sizes are large, you can have multiple groups research the same topic. Each group will become the experts on their specific topic and will share a Spanish presentation to the other groups.  Each group only watches the English version of one video on one topic, but is expected to have a basic understanding of all three topics in Spanish by the end of the project. To check this understanding, all students will need to complete a quiz in Spanish based on all three presentations. 

World Cultures
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Stella Jackson
Date Added: