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  • bracero-program
How Do the Hopes of One Group Become the Fears of Another?
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This activity was produced in conjunction with The Library of Congress and the TPS at Metropolitan State University of Denver. This activity allows learners to examine and look at migrant workers who first came to California during the Bracero Program using primary resources to develop an understanding of why and how they came to California to work. Students will also study the timeline from the Bracero Program's beginning to its end and the appearance of the United Farm Workers Union. This study will lead students to a realization of why the UFW was necessary and what Cesar Chavez's impact was.This activity will allow learners to analyze and understand:* The hopes and dreams of those migrant workers from Mexico who came and continue coming to California to work.* The opposite of hope is fear – and how fear can destroy hope.* The ways that hope can overcome fear. 

Cultural Geography
U.S. History
Material Type:
Tammy Dunbar
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