“Friends Across The Wires” is an original, full-length play, written and directed by Laura Ferri and produced by Tamara Bunnell, exploring the impact of the Japanese American Incarceration during WWII through the lens of young people in Seattle. Based on first person accounts, interviews, and additional primary source research, the play offers an intimate exploration of friendship while examining historical patterns of racism. The project was originally intended to be a live, touring production, but Covid-19 rendered this impossible. The play was then filmed at the Erickson Theatre by Seattle Colleges Cable Television (SCCtv) and edited with sound design, photos and period music.
- Subject:
- History
- U.S. History
- Material Type:
- Interactive
- Lesson Plan
- Author:
- Laura Ferri
- Tamara Bunnell
- Date Added:
- 01/28/2022