"Best practice collection for gender balance and non-discrimination in career guidance" was developed in the frame of the Erasmus+ project „Online mentoring and Professional Peer Coaching Skills for Youth Training“. The project brings together the professionals from Romania, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Lithuania and Czech Republic with the aim to focus of the mentoring and career quidance in the field of nursing, teaching and social work of the young persons in search of a job and young professionals.
As their area of nursing, teaching and social work are based on the inter-relationship between the client and the professional, the stereotypes and biases plays crutial role on the both sides. And on the side of professional there exists one challenge on the top: their area of work is strongly connected with the vision of „care“, it´s stereotypes and consequences into the atribution of the female-male division of work. Feminisation of the sector of education and care is evident in every of the involved country – the statistics are used to show the cases in respective countries.
The main theoretical concepts are supported by the relevant statistics from respective partner countries. To underline their relevance to the specific sector of social care, nursing and teaching the specific section (section 4) focus on national statistics. The the question of gender balance has also implication to the labour market as well as for conception of the politics and societal approach to the topic of equality itself. Section 5 determine basic knowledge of the importance of gender balance and it´s benefits for the society and organizational lebel.
Finally section 6 brought the attention to the best practices themselves. They are classified according their topic and focus. Firstly there are listed practices of reaching gender balance in nursing/teaching/social work itself. As examples shows, there is not many attention paid to the topic of non-discriminatory career quidance in the monitored areas. In the second part there are listed practices more widelly toutching this phenomena: non-discriminatory
approach and gender balance on employment market and public sphere.
The collection therefore has the role to rise the awareness about this topic not only between the young professionals, but also between the service care providers as employers who plays a significant role on the employment market. While the demographic situation is strongly associated with ageing trends and it´s impacts to the employability, it is necessery to bear in the mind, that it affects in the different ways men and in different ways women.
- Subject:
- Social Science
- Material Type:
- Case Study
- Author:
- Ana Arzenšek
- Auksė Puškorienė
- Denitza Toptciyska
- Doru Cantemir
- Helena Skalova
- Ioana Cantemir
- Irina-Elena Macovei
- Jerneja Šibilja
- Klára Cozlová
- Lada Wichterlová
- Robertas Kavolius
- Silva Blažulionienė
- Silvia Popovici
- Simeon Toptchiyski
- Date Added:
- 02/12/2020