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  • jose-angel-gutierrez
Cesar Chavez, Dolores Huerta & La Causa:  The 1960s Movement for Farmworker Dignity - MULTIMEDIA ANTHOLOGY
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 Own Your History® Multimedia Anthologies -- These anthologies collect a range of materials for exploring OYH topics. They parallel and supplement the OYH school modules, available as Open Education Resources. Groups of all ages can explore & discuss these rich and varied collections for sharing reflections on aspects of U.S. history and deepening historical knowledge. They are also available through the OYH website, https://www.ownyourhistory.us/multimediaresources Until La Causa, California farmworkers lived and worked in deplorable, often inhumane, conditions, at the mercy of growers. Spanish-speaking migrant minorities, they were socially invisible to the country.  La Causa used bold nonviolent methods and community involvement to achieve change & personal dignity. Explore this history using the  links in the attachment. 

Ethnic Studies
History, Law, Politics
U.S. History
Material Type:
Full Course
Unit of Study
Robert Eager
Date Added: