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  • lecture-slides
Complete Lecture Slides for OpenStax Astronomy (1e)
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This resource describes the full set of lecture slides available in this linked Google Drive folder. The slides are based on OpenStax Astronomy and are designed for a 14-week course. Lecture Videos that use these slides will be available as a separate posted resource.

Material Type:
Full Course
Lauren Woolsey
Date Added:
Continuous-Time Signals and Systems (Textbook, Solutions Manual, Lecture Slides, and Video Lectures)
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This book is intended for use in teaching undergraduate courses on continuous-time signals and systems in engineering (and related) disciplines. It has been used for several years for teaching purposes in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Victoria and has been very well received by students. It has also been used to teach courses at numerous other universities, including Memorial University (NL, Canada) and Concordia University (QC, Canada).

This book provides a detailed introduction to continuous-time signals and systems, with a focus on both theory and applications. The mathematics underlying signals and systems is presented, including topics such as: properties of signals, properties of systems, convolution, Fourier series, the Fourier transform, frequency spectra, and the bilateral and unilateral Laplace transforms. Applications of the theory are also explored, including: filtering, equalization, amplitude modulation, sampling, feedback control systems, circuit analysis, and Laplace-domain techniques for solving differential equations. Other supplemental material is also included, such as: a detailed introduction to MATLAB, a review of complex analysis, and an exploration of time-domain techniques for solving differential equations. Throughout the book, many worked-through examples are provided. Problem sets are also provided for each major topic covered.

Applied Science
Material Type:
Lecture Notes
University of Victoria
Michael D. Adams
Date Added:
Foundations in global health: Defining features & theoretical frameworks
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Lecture slides by Dr. Jennifer Infanti (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) and recommended related/supporting readings for an introductory course in global health. This is one of the first lectures in the course, covering some of the foundations of the field of research and practice we call global health. It briefly introduces the history and development of global health, key concepts and definitions of global health, and provides an overview of the breadth of theoretical models that can be applied to make sense of various global health challenges. By the end of the lecture, students should have: 1) Acquired a basic understanding of the defining features of global health. 2) Gained an awareness of the diversity of theoretical approaches that can be used to approach and understand global health problems 

Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Lecture Notes
Jennifer Infanti
Date Added:
Introduction to Psychology
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Lecture slides for Intro to Psychology. Here is the link to all slides: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Ac_TUNnq2UIQu-ujAfd2-hlcTLWfY9dK

It is adapted from the original OpenStax version, © Rice University under a CC BY 4.0 International license; new content slides were created by Ariel Ladum and are noted in the footnotes. Unattributed images are © Rice University, OpenStax, under CC BY 4.0 license. Images included on the basis of fair use as described in the Code of Best Practices for Fair Use in Open Education are attributed and noted as such.

Social Science
Material Type:
Ariel Ladum
Date Added:
Moral dimensions and debates in global health
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Lecture slides and related/supporting readings for an introductory course in global health by Dr. Jennifer Infanti (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) . This is one of the first lectures in the course, covering some of the foundations of the field of research and practice we call global health. It briefly introduces some of the key moral questions and dilemmas that global health scholars confront in their work. The main aim of the lecture is to inspire critical reflection.Learning goals:By the end of the lecture, students should be able to reflect critically on:1. Some key moral questions and dilemmas that animate discussions amongst practitioners and scholars of global health2. The concept of ‘care ethics’ in relation to global health3. The ethics of global health research and short-term medical interventions4. The wellsprings of their own interest and motivation in the field 

Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Lecture Notes
Jennifer Infanti
Date Added:
Multiresolution Signal and Geometry Processing: Filter Banks, Wavelets, and Subdivision (Textbook, Solutions Manual, and Lecture Slides)
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This book is intended for use in the teaching of graduate and senior undergraduate courses on multiresolution signal and geometry processing in the engineering and related disciplines. It has been used for several years for teaching purposes in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Victoria and has been well received by students.

This book provides a comprehensive introduction to multiresolution signal and geometry processing, with a focus on both theory and applications. The book has two main components, corresponding to multiresolution processing in the contexts of: 1) signal processing and 2) geometry processing.

The signal-processing component of the book studies one-dimensional and multi-dimensional multirate systems, considering multirate structures such as sampling-rate converters, filter banks, and transmultiplexers. A particularly strong emphasis is placed on filter banks. Univariate and multivariate wavelet systems are examined, with the biorthogonal and orthonormal cases both being considered. The relationship between filter banks and wavelet systems is established. Several applications of filter banks and wavelets in signal processing are covered, including signal coding, image compression, and noise reduction. For readers interested in image compression, a detailed overview of the JPEG-2000 standard is also provided. Some other applications of multirate systems are considered, such as transmultiplexers for communication systems (e.g., multicarrier modulation).

The geometry-processing component of the book studies subdivision surfaces and subdivision wavelets. Some mathematical background relating to geometry processing is provided, including topics such as homogeneous coordinate transformations, manifolds, surface representations, and polygon meshes. Several subdivision schemes are examined in detail, including the Loop, Kobbelt sqrt(3), and Catmull-Clark methods. The application of subdivision surfaces in computer graphics is considered.

A detailed introduction to functional analysis is provided, for those who would like a deeper understanding of the mathematics underlying wavelets and filter banks. For those who are interested in software applications of the material covered in the book, appendices are included that introduce the CGAL and OpenGL libraries. Also, an appendix on the SPL library (which was developed for use with this book) is included. Throughout the book, many worked-through examples are provided. Problem sets are also provided for each major topic covered.

Applied Science
Material Type:
Lecture Notes
University of Victoria
Michael D. Adams
Date Added:
Programming in C++ — The C++ Language, Libraries, Tools, and Other Topics (Lecture Slides and Video Lectures)
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The abstract for the lecture slides is as follows:

This document, which consists of approximately 2500 lecture slides, offers a wealth of information on many topics relevant to programming in C++, including coverage of the C++ language itself, the C++ standard library and a variety of other libraries, numerous software tools, and an assortment of other programming-related topics. The coverage of the C++ language and standard library is current with the C++17 standard.

C++ Programming Language. Many aspects of the C++ language are covered from introductory to more advanced. This material includes: the preprocessor, language basics (objects, types, values, operators, expressions, control-flow constructs, functions, and namespaces), classes, templates (function, class, variable, and alias templates, variadic templates, template specialization, and SFINAE), lambda expressions, inheritance (run-time polymorphism and CRTP), exceptions (exception safety and RAII), smart pointers, memory management (new and delete operators and expressions, placement new, and allocators), rvalue references (move semantics and perfect forwarding), concurrency (memory models, and happens-before and synchronizes-with relationships), compile-time computation, and various other topics (e.g., copy elision and initialization).

C++ Standard Library and Various Other Libraries. Various aspects of the C++ standard library are covered including: containers, iterators, algorithms, I/O streams, time measurement, and concurrency support (threads, mutexes, condition variables, promises and futures, atomics, and fences). A number of Boost libraries are discussed, including the Intrusive, Iterator, and Container libraries. The OpenGL library and GLSL are discussed at length, along with several related libraries, including: GLFW, GLUT, and GLM. The CGAL library is also discussed in some detail.

Software Tools. A variety of software tools are discussed, including: static analysis tools (e.g., Clang Tidy and Clang Static Analyzer), code sanitizers (e.g., ASan, LSan, MSan, TSan, and UBSan), debugging and testing tools (e.g., Valgrind, LLVM XRay, and Catch2), performance analysis tools (e.g., Perf, PAPI, Gprof, and Valgrind/Callgrind), build tools (e.g., CMake and Make), version control systems (e.g., Git), code coverage analysis tools (e.g., Gcov, LLVM Cov, and Lcov), online C++ compilers (e.g., Compiler Explorer and C++ Insights), and code completion tools (e.g., YouCompleteMe, and LSP clients/servers).

Other Topics. An assortment of other programming-related topics are also covered, including: data structures, algorithms, computer arithmetic (e.g., floating-point arithmetic and interval arithmetic), cache-efficient algorithms, vectorization, good programming practices, software documentation, software testing (e.g., static and dynamic testing, and structural coverage analysis), and compilers and linkers (e.g., Itanium C++ ABI).

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Lecture Notes
University of Victoria
Michael D. Adams
Date Added:
Updated Lecture Materials for OpenStax Astronomy (2e)
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0.0 stars

I provide a major update to materials I had previously posted on OER Commons, providing lecture slides, recorded video, and lecture notes. All files are available through Google Drive and YouTube. The new materials are organized into six modules: 1) The History of Astronomy and Sky Motions, 2) The Moon, Earth, and Solar System, 3) The Astronomer’s Toolkit, 4) Properties of the Sun and Stars, 5) The Lives and Deaths of Stars, and 6) The Milky Way Galaxy and Beyond.

Material Type:
Full Course
Lecture Notes
Lauren Woolsey
Date Added: